Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance of the Doctrine of Separation Powers to...

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 202 ASSIGNMENT NAME: GAONE K KEOBATILE ID NUMBER: 200902722 LECTURE: MR SELEKE DUE DATE: 7/3/11 QUESTION 1...DISCUSS THE SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPORTANCE OF THE DOCTRINE OF SEPARATION OF POWERS TO BOTSWANA’S PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PRACTICES INTRODUCTION All around the world there is need to achieve and maintain peace in the governing of the state. So in order to reinforce this there is the practice of the doctrine of separation of powers in different nations. So this essay is set out to explain in detail the history of the doctrine from where it all started and how it came to be practiced in Botswana. Of course the separation of powers ensures the efficient way of running a country but will it manage†¦show more content†¦THE JUDICIARY-It is given the power to interpret laws thus it has the following checks over the executive; once the judges are appointed for ;life they are free from the control of the executive branch and determines whether the law is unconstitutional or not. Checks over the legislative branch, courts can judge legislative acts to be unconstitutional. Then the question arises,since when the roles of the organs of the government are summed up its mostly making the policies and laws for the citizens,who implements them?this takes us to the public administrators. DIFINATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND ITS ORGANISATION In order to understand a concept take it bit by bit, therefore before understanding public administration (PAD), administration has to be understood first. According to Heywood (2002:363)administration generally means the task of coordinating and executing policies, it implies assisting or serving others. All civil servants are involved in administration. He goes on to say Public Administration refers to the mechanisms and institutions through which public policies are put into effect. Also according to McLean (2009:440) PAD denotes the institutions of public bureaucracy within a state this is the organisational structures which form the basis of public decision-making and implementation and the arrangement by which public service are delivered. So to my understanding Public Administration is all about the civil servants

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