Friday, May 31, 2019

Dead Mens Path by Chinua Achebe Essay example -- Chinua Achebe Dead

Dead Mens Path by Chinua AchebeIn this short story Dead Mens Path, Chinua Achebe gives the protagonist an exciting outlook to fulfill his dream. Michael Obi was fixed officially headmaster of Ndume Central School, which was backward in every sense. He had to turn the aim into a progressive one, withal the school received a bad report when the supervisor came to inspect. Why did the school get a nasty report and Obi could not conk out a glorious headmaster even though he put his whole life into it? In order to find out the answer, we have to dissect Michael Obis personality and the event that made the supervisor to write an airier result. Michael Obi was a secondary school teacher. The Ndume Central School had always been an unprogressive, so the mission authorities decided to send a young and energetic man to run it (331). Obi was a juvenile and a jaunty man. within Obis confidence, the reader can see his ardent desire. He had many wonderful ideas and this was an opportunity to put them into practice (331). By this golden fortuity he wanted to show other people how a school should be run. Obi wanted his associates to give all their time and energy to the school (331) because they were not married. He and his wife were very excited to work for the school. They both had made a plan to make the school modern and delightful. Even though Obi accepted his responsibility with enthusiasm, he could not become a great principal. Why? There should be some ...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Human Evolution :: essays research papers

Evolution is the complexity ofprocesses by which lively organisms establishedon earth and earn been expanded and modifythrough theorized changes in form and function.Human evolution is the biological and culturaldevelopment of the species Homo sapienssapiens, or human beings. Humans evolved fromapes because of their similarities. This can beshown in the evidence that humans had a decreasein the size of the face and teeth that evolved. Earlyhumans are classified in cristal different types offamilies. Creationists believe that humans werealways humans. Humans are classified in themammalian family Primates. In this arrangement,humans, along with our extinct close ancestors,and our nearest living relatives, the African apes,are sometimes placed together in the familyHominidae because of genetic similarities. Two-legwalking seems to be one of the earliest of themajor hominine characteristics to have evolved. Inthe course of human evolution the size of the brainhas been more than tri pled. The increase in brainsize may be related to changes in homininebehavior (See chassis 3). The third major trend inhominine development is the gradual decrease inthe size of the face and teeth. harmonize to theMicrosoft Encarta Encyclopedia 98, the fogeyevidence for direct ancestors of modern humans is split up into the category Australopithecus andHomo, and begins about 5 one thousand thousand years ago (Seefigure 1). Between 7 and 20 million years ago,primitive apelike animals were widely distributedon the African and, later, on the Eurasiancontinents (See figure 2). Although many fossilbones and teeth have been found, the way of lifeof these creatures, and their evolutionaryrelationships to the living apes and humans, remainmatters of active discussion among scientists. Theevidence for human evolution begins with theaustralopithecines. All the australopithecines were bipedal and therefore possible hominines. Indetails of their teeth, jaws, and brain size,however, they modif y enough among themselvesto be divided into five species Australopithecusanamensis, A. afarensis, A. africanus, A. robustus,and A. boisei. Genus Homo are also divided infive different spices Homo erectus, H. habilis, H.sapiens, and H. sapiens sapiens. According toBritannica Encyclopdia, Australopithecusanamensis lived in Kenya between 4.2 million and3.9 million years ago. A. afarensis lived in easternAfrica between 3 and 4 million years ago. Thisaustralopithecine had a brain size a little larger thanchimpanzees. Some had canine teeth more stickingout than those of later hominines. No tools of anykind have been found with A. afarensis fossils.According to Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia98, between about 2.5 million and 3 million yearsago, A. afarensis clearly evolved into A. africanus.A. africanus had a brain similar to that of itsancestor. However, although the size of the

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Homeless People Essay -- essays research papers

The problem of homelessness in America is growing dramatically. Its a problem that outhouse strike anyone when you least suffer it. Therefore you should address this as a major crisis that affects our society. I feel as Americans we should come together to create solutions to termination a growing epidemic of homeless people.Statistics show people living in penury are most at risk of becoming homeless. Economically they are at a higher risk of losing what little they already have.The number of homeless families with children has increased significantly over the past decade. They are among the fastest growing segments of the homeless population. They are approximently 40% of people who are homeless. In rural areas the largest group of homeless people are families, single mothers, and children.In a 1998 survey of 30 cities, it was form that the homeless population was 53% African-American, 35% Caucasian, 12% Hispanic, 4% Native-American, and 3% Asian (U.S Conference of Mayors19 98). The ethnic makeup of homeless population varies depending upon geographic location.Homelessness and poverty are closely linked. Poor people commonly are unable to pay for housing, aliment, child care, health care, and education. Choices must be mad when only their income covers any(prenominal) of these necessities.Poor employment opportunities for a large number of the work force increases poverty. Falling incomes and less secure military controls which offer fewer benefits leads to additional financial lineage on already financially burdened people. The connection between impoverished workers and homelessness can be seen in homeless shelters, many of which house significant numbers game of full time wage earners. A survey of 30 U.S cities found that almost one in five homeless people are occupied (U.S Conference of Mayors 1998). Thus, for many Americans, work provides no escape from poverty and homelessness.Fewer public assistance is another reason of increasing poverty and homelessness. Until its repeal in August 1996 the largest cash assistance program for poor families with children was the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program.The elimination and cut ... ...nd services are important and needed.There are a lot of things that can be done at shelters and other service agencies that is greatly appreciated. For instance filing, sorting clothes, cutting vegetables, etc. Let them know how you can help out and for how long. Some possible tasks are working at a shelter, helping build or fix up houses or shelters, food drives, reading to the homeless, and just by involving others to help out too.While the efforts are being made in volunteer work, material help is needed also. The end to homelessness is a long road. In the meantime, homeless people and people running the programs need help every day. Some items that would be great to donate are clothing, household products, support a homeless person of family, raise funds for a program, give directly, help homeless contact loved ones, and encourage your job to hire homeless people.Efforts to ensure jobs that pay a living wage and have good benefits, your help and others, affordable housing, and access to health care depart bring and end to the problem of homelessness.

Comparing Washington Irvings Sleepy Hollow the Movie to the Book Essay

Comparing Washington Irvings asleep(predicate) Hollow the Movie to the Book?The Legend of Sleepy Hollow? is a short falsehood by Washington Irving. Based on a well-k promptlyn legend, this story tells the tale of the disappearance of the main character, Ichabod Crane. An effective ghost story, Irving leaves you guessing what the truth is pot the ending. The movie Sleepy Hollow is Hollywood?s portrayal of Irving?s original story. Although the movie is similar to the story in the beginning, the movie takes a twist that leads in another direction that strays far from the original plot.The original story by Washington Irving starts out in a small town of Sleepy Hollow. Irving paints an image of bountiful crops, beautiful scenery, and prosperous landowners. Ichabod Crane was a local pedagogue, who taught at the local schoolhouse. He was known for his strict ways and yet he was very popular amongst the families of his students- especially the ones who had ?pretty sisters.? Icha bod enjoyed spending fall evenings with the old widows as they sat by a fire and told stories of ghosts and demons and other supernatural beings. mavin story that was always told was one of the legendary Headless Horsemen. The tale tells of a soldier who had his head shot off with a smokenon ball. His ghost now roamed Sleepy Hollow on his horse, looking for his lost head. In place of his head, sits a jack-o-lantern, which had a fiery glow.Intertwined with this short story is a love story, or rather a story of pure lust and greed. Ichabod Crane was in ?love? with a girl named Katrina cutting edge Tassel. Katrina was the daughter of the wealthy and prosperous landowner, Heer Van Tassel. Ichabod?s pursuit of Katrina was for purely physical and lustful reasons. His... ... While the original story leaves you wondering what happens to Ichabod, the movie leaves you with the question on whether or not everything can be explained by science. Ichabod tries the entire movie to t ry and figure out who is the murderer by using all his scientific explanations, yet in the end, on that point truly was a ghost. Both stories leave you thinking about the possibility of ghosts and demons. When it comes to both stories, they both provide questions that leave us to ponder. While they have their similarities, the absolute majority of ideas differ. The story lines differ in so many ways that they are two different stories with a few similarities that tie them together. Although I enjoyed watching the movie, I still find that I prefer the question that the original story left us wondering. What did happen to Ichabod Crane? Personally? I think he ran away.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

History Recycled in the Works of T.C. Boyle Essay -- Biography Biograp

History Recycled in the Works of T.C. Boyle Past and present, sharply separated by the chapter structures, are fused in motifs and light parallels (DeMott 52). Historys repeating itself is a dominant theme throughout T.C Boyles novels. If people do not learn from past mistakes, they are likely to fail again. By revisiting news report, Boyle teaches the splendor of awareness and caution of an ever-changing society. In The Tortilla Curtain a specific migrant problem in the 1930s is modified to fit new(a) immigration. Candido and the Statess passage of arms for survival after immigrating to the United States repeats a similar event depicted in Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath. Boyles twisted short stories in the If the River was Whiskey mirror events in history in the light of modern times. The similarities between the Van Brunts and the Van Warts in The Worlds End contribute to identical generations, separated by three hundred years. Boyle attacks modern societys conceited, self- absorbed attitude, and he discourages reiteration of the past. In the Tortilla Curtain, Boyle recycles a past dilemma, as he writes of a problem similar to the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930s. Candido Rincon and his wife America travel from Mexico to America through the Tortilla Curtain, searching for work, while constantly striving to achieve the American Dream. In this journey, the Rincons encounter several racist obstacles including a brood of white men who beat and rape America during her pregnancy, leaving her to die. Constantly searching for work and money takes Candido mentally and physically away from his wife. High in the Arroyo Blanco (white rice) Estates lives the Mossbacher family, which dwells in the... (5/19/99) Kakutani, Michiko. Review of Worlds End. New York clock, September 23, 1987, p. C27. Rpt. Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 55. Detroit Gale, 1988. 92 vols. Rettberg, Scott. Interview with T.C. Boyle. http/ / (5/7/99) Spencer, Scott. The Pilgrim of Topagana Creek. New York Times Book Review. Sept. 3 1995, p.3. Rpt. Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 90. Detroit Gale, 1995. 92 vols. Ulin, David L. Boyle Wonder. The Village Voice November 10, 1998, Vol. 43 Issue 45, p.132 _____. Lost in the Funhouse. Bloomsbury Review. Nov-Dec. 1989, p.5. Rpt. Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol.90. Detroit Gale, 1995. 92 vols. At a Glance The Worlds End by T.C. Boyle http// (5/4/99)

History Recycled in the Works of T.C. Boyle Essay -- Biography Biograp

History Recycled in the Works of T.C. Boyle Past and present, sharply separated by the chapter structures, are fused in motifs and unstressed parallels (DeMott 52). Historys repeating itself is a dominant theme throughout T.C Boyles novels. If people do not learn from past mistakes, they are likely to fail again. By revisiting history, Boyle teaches the importance of awareness and reprove of an ever-changing society. In The Tortilla Curtain a specific migrant problem in the 1930s is modified to fit modern immigration. Candido and the Statess battle for survival later immigrating to the United States repeats a similar event depicted in Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath. Boyles twisted short stories in the If the River was Whiskey mirror events in history in the send off of modern times. The similarities between the Van Brunts and the Van Warts in The Worlds End contribute to identical generations, separated by three hundred years. Boyle attacks modern societys conceited, self-absor bed attitude, and he discourages reiteration of the past. In the Tortilla Curtain, Boyle recycles a past dilemma, as he writes of a problem similar to the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930s. Candido Rincon and his wife America travel from Mexico to America through the Tortilla Curtain, searching for work, while constantly striving to achieve the American Dream. In this journey, the Rincons encounter several racist obstacles including a pack of white custody who beat and rape America during her pregnancy, leaving her to die. Constantly searching for work and money takes Candido mentally and physically away from his wife. High in the Arroyo Blanco (white strain) Estates lives the Mossbacher family, which dwells in the... (5/19/99) Kakutani, Michiko. Review of Worlds End. New York Times, September 23, 1987, p. C27. Rpt. Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 55. Detroit Gale, 1988. 92 vols. Rettberg, Scott. Interview with T.C. Boyle. http/ / (5/7/99) Spencer, Scott. The Pilgrim of Topagana Creek. New York Times Book Review. Sept. 3 1995, p.3. Rpt. Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 90. Detroit Gale, 1995. 92 vols. Ulin, David L. Boyle Wonder. The Village Voice November 10, 1998, Vol. 43 Issue 45, p.132 _____. Lost in the Funhouse. Bloomsbury Review. Nov-Dec. 1989, p.5. Rpt. Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol.90. Detroit Gale, 1995. 92 vols. At a gaze The Worlds End by T.C. Boyle http// (5/4/99)

Monday, May 27, 2019

Crucible VS. McCarthyism

The main difference between McCarthyism and the Crucible is that McCarthyism was a sincere political period in the United States when Senator McCarthy tried to scare sight that communism was leaking into our g everywherenment but as for the crucible it was a group of people that was just accusing other people of witchcraft. While the capital of Oregon witch trials occurred in the late 1600s, a similar unfortunate situation occurred in the 1950s with McCarthyism. The Salem witch trials shared many common characteristics.The similarities include continuous accusations, leading politicians, and the reaction to witchcraft and communism. The Salem witch trials and McCarthyism both involved current accusations that led to numerous innocent people world accused and prosecuted. In The Crucible, local people accuse women and men in Salem of witchcraft. When the teenage girls prototypal accuse Tituba, the Reverends housekeeper, a chain of accusations begin. To avoid death, Tituba accused others in the t avouch causing each of the accused to place blame on others.The Crucible is a metaphor for the accusations make in the 1950s during the McCarthyism era. Senator Joseph McCarthy led the series of allegations with a list of people he felt were related in some flair to communism. The list that was made grew as more people accused others for personal revenge. These continuous accusations went on until the original list of over 200 grew to almost 10,000. The accusations would not have led to any consequences without a leader to oversee the proceedings. Both the Salem witch trials and McCarthyism had instigators who fueled the craze.The Crucibles judge supervising the trials of those charged of witchcraft. He not only supervised the trials, he set the punishments for those convicted of witchcraft. It was the judge who decided who was to get what punishment although all accused were innocent. The modern Judge Daniforth is Senator Joseph McCarthy who watched over the 195 0s McCarthyism era. During the McCarthyism era, Senator McCarthy oversaw the proceedings and created the House Un-American Committee. Senator McCarthy directed the questioning to all those accused of association with communism.The Salem witch trials and McCarthyism pretty much go bargain in hand. During the witch trials everybody started accusing everybody else of witchcraft. During the McCarthyism era, Senator McCarthy started accusing people of being communists. Senator McCarthy also made up most of the statements he said about the supposed communists. Senator McCarthy is a guy that was known for lying and never telling the truth. A lot of people were executed and basically everyone was killed. They both had leaders causing public hysteria against the accused. Then people realized that there was no proof.Also people that were accused had no say if they were guilty weather they were or not. The similarities begin with a finale of panic. Both instances are characterized by this. T he Salem Witch Trials were the result of a concerted effort to find witches brought on by panic. The same was true for Senator McCarthy in the Senate. He was on a mission to find communists and rallied a panicked public around him. The hysteria in Salam led to many people being accused of witchcraft and hanged. McCarthyism was fueled by hysteria because people accused others of being Communists. Both were fueled by paranoia and mass hysteria.The McCarthy Hearings were referred to as witch hunts because of their coincidence to the Salem witch trials. They both struck fear in the people due to the guilty until you confess attitude which controlled the courts. In Salem the only way to escape death was to confess and repent in the McCarthy hearings if you were accused, whether guilty or not, you would always be viewed as a Communist. McCarthy also relates to Abigail in The Crucible, because they both made false accusations against innocent people. McCarthy accused people of being commu nists, whereas Abigail accused people of using witchcraft.Of course, the events were very different in results and reasons, but the main idea of pursuit and hunting down the people who represent different ideals is the same. In both cases, the leaders were looking for people to blame their own fears and lack of certainty on. It was with the Salem witch trials that people from one side of town were accused of being witches, not because they had done anything related to witchcraft, but because they or their families occupied valuable priming that the accusers or their masters or friends were seeking to purchase at low prices.By associating the land with witchcraft, the value of the property was greatly decreased. If the woman was found guilty of witchcraft, they and their families could be stripped of their property making it easier to be acquired by those seeking to own it. Senator McCarthy managed to form a senate commission to investigate the spread of communism in the USA, pose particular focus and emphasis on the entertainment industry. This effectively ended their ability to perform or earn a living under their own names, as they were blacklisted by the industry to assuage McCarthys perceived political masters.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Califonia Consort: Piano Quintet Essay

The consert was my first time and delightful that I had a opportunity to get wind to Greco-Roman symphony through the first concert, two Piano Quintets performed by Karen Follingstad, Alyze Dreiling, Susan Ung, Lorie Kirkell, Bert Turetzky at the Incarnation Lutheran Church on February, 19, 2012. The writ of execution consisted of two human beings and the first piece performed was Piano quintet, Op 87 written by J.N. Hummel in the end of classic era and the second piece was Piano Quintet, Op 114 written by F. Schubert, also as well known as The Trout. It was interesting that Hummel composed this quintet in 1802, almost 20 years before Schubert wrote the Trout in 1819 and their composition were widely contend during their lifetime in addition, the both of them have a common in that those two are famous Piano quintets. I thought that the melodies were quite and resounded resplendently in my mind. I could eventide subconsciously focus on the notes and release feelings of tension .First of all, the Quintet Op.87 is a masterpiece the first movement (Allegro E Risoluto Assai) at once captives and impresses the hearer with its power and passion. After this follows the Menuetto Y Trio, Largo, Allegra Agitato, is full of light-hearted merriment and ends with a brilliant and effective close. While listening to it, the melody reminded me of Mozarts pianistic style and The Trout, which would be performed just next to it and, actually, Hummel studied with Mozart. Especially, the first movement of Quintet, OP.87 sounded like tango to me and it started with the violin by Alyze Dreiling, then, the piano sounded to make conformity. I matte that the piano sound was extremely live and rhythmical, whereas, the others created nervous tension for making unison with the piano. As I said above, everything including Violin, Viola, Cello and Contrabass seemed to be harmony with another, the sound reflected to be able to emphasize each instrument and piano quintet.The second mo vement, Menuetto Y Trio, Allegro con fuoco, started quietly but, soon, it made a exceedingly elated atmosphere which I was going into and let myself to the flow of continuing intensive melody. On the other hand, it sounded for me to ease tension occasionally. At that time, I could even felt melancholy strain. It repeated to raise tensions constantly, which it was the first time that the melody made me mellowed tension emotionally and I wasimpressed by the harmony of the piano quintet because I had never been to any orchestra or concert. After that, the third chapter, Largo, started and then, the sound of piano a bit went up with its fast thousand and increased tension more and more, which I felt like sadness and depressed emotion however, I could retrieve my mental stability by centering on listening to it.My sentiment was raising highly as it was flowing fast little by little and, finally, was connected to the Finale, Allegra Agitato, the function movement. In the last movemen t, it became mild, warm and brighter again as if the first movement, the violin and violoncello sound much attracted my attention because of the wonderful and lilting sound. In the end of the Finale, it went up with high pace again and presented the peculiar principal foundation which was of a somewhat martial feature. It ended up with the climax, tension of harmony. I could understand little why it is particularly interesting in its scoring and receive hummels great dramatic works by listening to it.Secondly, after Piano quintet, Op 87 performed, they compete Piano Quintet, Op 114, widely known as The Trout. It was not first time to hear it but was first time to see the performance at the concert. It consists of five dollar bill parts and is also immensely popular and famous because it was made by F .Schubert. As the name is The Trout, I felt the piano sound was fresh-cut and animated as if trout was swimming lively from the first movement. When hiking the mountain and seeing the water of a brook, we can feel being full of life, animation and restfulness. I felt just like when I see the water of a brook and could even imagine the figure of trout. In the first movement, Allegro Vivace, the quartet instruments made harmony slowly based on the piano sound and, especially, the violin and cello stood out clearly. The powerful sound of the cello by Lorie Kirkell was so great and played a role as bridge. I was impressed by a merit of cello sound again and again.The second movement, Andante, was so lyrical melody that I could feel stability and richness like I had lived in village and been satisfied with my life in addition, The three of the violin, genus Viola and cello melodies definitely showed to advantage. I personally would like to listen to the music with lyricism because it radiates feeling of relaxation. From this part, I started to think this tune was made for cello because the cello soundedever-greater part of this music. After the second chapter, t he third movement, Scherzo, was as if the piano and others were talking to each other to make harmony. It was greatly cheerful that it made me pleasant and it went up with fast pace. The light each sounds added zest to the melody. The reason why I listen to it again and again is this part because its flow was interesting to me like trout was compete in the water. In the fourth movement, Andantino, I felt different sensation of lilting due to the many times of playing a variation and anchor the other liveliness by hearing this chapter.This part was why it was named The Trout because it impresses that trout settles down to active, indeed. I also could imagine that trout was going all over in the water and playing moreover, I could know this part was made of cheerful feature entirely. The Finale, Allegro Giusto, also was brimful of vigor. The four string instrument played theme and the piano repeated it in high speed. This part also made an impression which was fulfilled of vitality to me. I would like the music going on continuously fresh tune of the four string instruments sound. Somehow it made me feel like Hungary wanderer too because of the delightful melody. This performance was fascinating enough to hold attention of audiences. I was captivated by the great wonderful sound.By listening to these two piano quintets, I took a new step on the classic music. I was unfamiliar with classic music but, now, since I attended this concert, I sometimes listen to classic music and relieve stress. Now I realized that classical music has its own distinct charm compared to new age and the impression from the melody could be amplified when I appreciated musical pieces on the spot. It was today when I sank into a deep emotion with classic music, precious harvest to attend the great concert and listen to classic music.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Character Analysis of John in “The Yellow Wallpaper” Essay

John is the typical Victorian husband. He is authoritative, strict, head of the household. He is a physician of high standing. He is very controlling and expects his wife to obey his orders which was quite normal for the time. He is a doctor exclusively only understands physical illnesses. He cannot relate to every mental problems particularly as far as women are concerned. For him, it is something she will get over, mind over matter You see he does not desire I am sickHe dictates how his wife should be treated and says she needs lots of sleep and quiet. He forbids her from writing her feelings down or from eyesight anyone. We get the feeling this is more about him hiding her away rather than it being for her own good. He shows no empathy of how she is feeling and dismisses it as nervous opinion or hysteria. He is very stiff and buttoned upJohn is practical in the extreme. He has no patience with faith, an intense horror of superstition, and he scoffs openly at any talk of things not be felt and seen and put down in figures. He is undoubtedly fond of his wife and loves her in his own way. However, he treats her like a child or a pet and sees her as something fragile to be protected He took me in his blazonry and called me a blessed little goose. He does not see her as an equal but as someone who should look up to him, to be lowly and mild and not to be taken seriously John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in a marriage.John is rather a insentient character showing no understanding or even wanting to understand his wifes illness. He does not see it even as an illness but rather as her needing to pull herself together. He is almost fearful of any mention of mental illness and when she suggests her body is well but not her mind he gives her a stern reproachful look and describes it as a false and foolish fancy. His prime concern is to preserve his standing in society and does not want his wife to be an embarrassment to him.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Haas and Flower Reading Response Essay

If refs construct the meaning of textbooks, how does information transmission work? Through constructing the meaning of texts, a reader can interpret and summarize chunks of writing into something that is already processed by the reader. Personally, I know that if I begin reading a piece of text that I have never researched or learned in the past, obviously I cannot make an information transmission.On the other hand, when I read a piece of material that Ive learned in the past, it helps me to fully interpret and think critically on the topic. If a reader can complete a create a connection between past learning and the newer topic, the reader can construct a personal judgment or opinion. The readers thesis is then developed and the reader can fully absorb and accomplish what is a good read.What kinds of knowledge did you bring to this article that helped you make finger of it? The information I brought to the article was really a collection of teachings I genuine through high scho ol. The knowledge to re-read text if I dont fully comprehend the authors point. Also the ability to stop and evaluate the text to figure out what Haas and Flower were trying to explain.I received fairly intensive English courses in high school, from which I was equal to(p) to transmission my past lessons to the text Haas and Flower presented. Without trying to sound repetitive, I was able to pick apart phrases of the text that I simply didnt understand, even by rereading, and use the context to help make snese of the wording Haas and Flower use.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Reflection assignment Essay

The term nurture to me means that we are acquiring knowledge for something we did not know or a sunrise(prenominal) way of doing something. I think online cultivation is different than traditional beca utilization online learning is more of independent studies and can be easier or more difficult to do it depending on each persons learning styles. My view of learning as only changed by knowing more learning styles and how they can leave in technical terms. Myself as a learning is described by being a dynamic learner, I practised all the learning patterns and none of my learning patterns were avoided. I typically use precision and sequence more than I do technical reasoning and confluence. Although there are times that I will use confluence and technical reasoning more than sequence and precision which is why I believe that makes me a successful dynamic learner. My learning scores are sequence twenty-six, precision thirty-two, technical reasoning twenty, and confluence twenty-one . Some of the benefits to being able to use precision as a use first is that I like to make sure that what I am doing is correct the first time around. Also with sequence being a use first learning pattern I am able to use it alongside precision and make sure that everything is organized in order.I go learned to tether my weaker learning patterns with my stronger learning patterns, so that I am more successful in learning. Once I learned my different types of learning patterns I was able to become an intentional learning because I used the assignment with my learning patterns to fuck off a better understanding. Overall I was able to be fairly successful in this class and was given the right tools to be successful. I think I could have FIT my learning patterns in concert better to be a lot more successful in the class. I do believe that this class has been a great learning hold out so that in the future I can use my learning patterns together and FIT them to each assignment, and with things I am doing outside of class. If I would have tethered my precision and technical reasoning in with class from the start I know I could have succeeded a lot more than what I have, but I will use this class as a learning experience and carry my learning patterns and FIT information along with me to table service in future classes. My overall reflection of the last five weeks is that I have learned a lot about different types of learning.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Outline And Evaluate The Working Memory Model

The working memory model is the part of the short circumstance memory which is governed by the central executive which monitors and coordinates the operation of the store systems Phonological loop and visuo spatial sketchpad. The phonological loop allows sounds to be stored for brief periods. The visuo spatial sketchpad allows opthalmic and spatial information to be stored for brief periods. The two slave systems within the WMM are completely bankrupt and can work individually.A piece of evidence which shows rear for the slave systems being two separate systems within the WMM is the case of KF. He had a motorcycle accident and damaged his brain and memory, which therefore left him with no new memory, h couldnt remember anything since the accident. When KF memory was assessed psychologists found taboo that he could remember things from sight using his visuo spatial sketch pad provided he couldnt remember things from ear using his phonological loop, this suggests that the slave s ystems must be separate.This research has weak reliability that the slave systems are separate this is because these findings were moreover found on one person and not a collective of people, therefore you cant generalise findings from one person on everybody else, so this evidence on supplys weak support for the WMM. A piece of research which shows support for the slave systems working singly to each other is psychologists carried out an experiment on two groups asking them to do specific tasks. Group one was asked to perform two visual tasks using only there visuo spatial sketch pad.The other group was asked to do a visual and verbal task using both slave systems. The psychologists found out that group 2 performed better this is because they dont overload ne slave systems like the other group this suggests that both slave systems work independently and can become over capacitated. A criticism of this research method is that it was a lab experiment, and is low in ecological valid ity, which could have affected the results, as participants may feel under pressure with the lab setting.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Coffee and Starbucks Essay

1. What was Howard Schultzs original strategic peck for Starbucks? Is his 2010 strategic vision for Starbucks. Has Starbucks strategy evolved as the strategic vision has evolved? Howard Schultzs first strategic vision for Starbucks was the fortunate result of a company trip to Milan, Italy to attend an international housewares show. On this trip, he visited various espresso parallel bars and was able to recognize how the customers in these bars were usually enjoying the ambiance and atmosphere of the bar with a freshly-brewed espresso, latte, or another delectable cocoa treat, in hand, that was interchange from the bar.Howard felt Starbucks should align their initial ancestry model with that of the numerous espresso bars he visited while in Malian-through transforming Starbucks from an exclusive retailer of its coffee products, to providing and serving their coffee products in-house to their consumers with an expanded product key out (lattes, espressos, etc. ) in tow.In addition to the espresso bar vision for Starbucks, during his interview process with Starbucks, Howard expressed to the three original owners of Starbucks that he felt Starbucks has the potential to achievementfully expand beyond the metropolitan area of Seattle, a vision not seen nor shared by the owners at the time. As assumed, the period vision set in place for Starbucks has changed since the original one was envisioned in the spring of 1983.The current strategy for Starbucks no longer concerns adding simply a new service within their stores but revolves around increasing their sustainability, increasing corporate responsibility, being the undisputed coffee leader in the worldwide food market, expanding their orbiculate presence, and creating innovative growth platforms, just to name a few of the more recent visions for Starbucks.As with any great leader who sets in place a vision for their company, Howard Schultzs vision for Starbucks is truly dynamic, and will be manipulated whenev er conditions in the marketplace (i. e. economic, consumer demands, business opportunities etc. ) dictate the vision to be altered for the success and better of the company. 5. What think ofs does Starbucks have? How well do they connect to the strategy and to the manner in which the company conducts its business?On their supplier-side, too numerous businesses now are focused on procuring the lowest priced goods for increasing their clams margins. Starbucks would rather ensure their coffee growers are being compensated fairly and well abounding to support their families in their trade. Starbucks also assists their suppliers (coffee-growers) in being able to grow high quality coffee beans, and ensure their coffee growers are consistently confrontation the companys stringent environmental responsibility. What drives Starbucks to do that?Starbucks possesses a number of values ( sentiments) that demand fair-compensation for their coffee-growers (either through Starbucks directly o r through an intermediate), a belief that all their consumers should have their demands met (through Starbucks Just Say Yes policy), and trait of managing their growth (as opposed to an almost unmanaged and aggressive growth strategy executed under Starbucks former CEO, Jim Donald). The aforementioned values for their coffee-growers complements Starbucks current corporate and social responsibilities as a whole for ensuring the livelihood of their suppliers (the coffee-growers).In addition, with the current push by Starbucks to summation their number of LEED stores in the United States, their vision of becoming more sustainable and environmentally conscious is being realized with each and every LEED-certified store opening. In terms of the manner Starbucks practices their business, their business practices and visions do not fall in line with the more common United States business practices and visions currently seen in the marketplace (such as the push to become the Low Cost Provid er for consumers).As demonstrated and express, Starbucks practices their business differently than most global businesses do, through ensuring supplier financial sustainability (for their coffee-growers) coupled with unrivaled purchasing standards for their coffee beans, to also ensuring customer satisfaction remains high by consistently adding new features and benefits for their consumers to benefit from and increase their value derived from being a consumer with Starbucks. Recent benefits Starbucks has given to their customers are as follows -Free Wi-Fi usage in all their United States location. Discounts on coffee products for providing your own coffee cupful to the barista ( hence being more mutually environmental conscious and responsible) . Providing various paid websites to their customers free of charge on Starbucks Wi-Fi network such as access to WSJ. com, the website for the argue Street Journal, and also other exclusive content Starbucks Chairman Howard Shultz talks to the Starbucks Chairman Howard Shultz talks to the media at the Vancouver Waterfront Station location, celebrating 20 years of Starbucks in British Columbia.(Photo credit Wikipedia) 7. What is your assessment of Starbucks? I feel Starbucks possesses a great moral compass in the field of business and excels at creating and executing strategic plans for their business that are dynamic, relevant, and complements their core valuesthus I would rate Starbucks highly in my assessment. Starbucks, as mentioned before, is one of the few companies to ensure their suppliers (coffee-growers) are receiving fair compensation.Furthermore, Starbucks has in effect taken on various corporate and environmental responsibilities at once through striving vigorously to purchase only ethically sourced coffee beans by 2015 for their coffee beans supply, and investing $20 million towards farmer loan commitments that will ultimately promote coffee growers crop yield, quality, and environmental standards, th us a mutual benefit to be had by both parties. In terms of a financial assessment, from 2009 monetary Years net profit of $390. 8 million to the $1,383. 80 net income earned in Fiscal Year 2012 (growth of over 350%).It is safe to say, Starbucks financial strategy of increasing bottom line production through increasing the value of their products and services offered and sustained to their customers worked out perfectly for them. Starbucks has also decreased their debt to asset ratio by 11% from Fiscal Year ending 2010 to 2012 (. 424 to . 378 respectively). Clearly, a focus to clean ones balance sheet with less debt and more activity is a strategy many businesses share in wishing they could accomplish but few truly accomplish it with ease, Starbucks was able to do so effectively and considerably.All and all, as stated within this assessment and numerous times within this blog, Starbucks is a company to be hailed for due to their passion and determination to become even more sustaina ble with each passing day, being excellent corporate citizens, setting in place various plans that will extensively benefit their stakeholders in a sustainable manner, and promoting their financial and environmental position through creating a coffee utopia for the world to benefit from.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Capital stracture

Key factors that affect structure choice 5. 1. 1 Profitability and variation of profitability Profitability is one of the most tested ships company characteristics In data-based research regarding companies choice of capital structure. The trade- reach surmisal predicts that spunkyer profitability is associated with Increased debt levels and the reason for this Is twofold.First, companies achieving high profitability spend a penny less risk of pecuniary distress and bankruptcy, so the cost of debt Is lower. Second, high profitability means that companies merchant ship achieve higher utilization of the Interest tax shield by change magnitude the amount leverage and hence the promised Interest payments each period. Similarly, Increased debt go away serve as a adolescently factor for managers when free cash flow likely Increase with Increased profitability.However, as dynamic trade- off theory predicts adjustment costs will prevent companies from adjusting the capital structu re immediately and the unlikelihood of companies be at their re financial support points at the time of measurement causes the prediction of the found allegations between leverage and profitability to be negative due to the static nature of the determinant analysis. Retained lolly are the favored financing according to the pecking shape theory which contradicts the predictions made by trade-off theory.Higher profitability should en able-bodied the company to take more than earnings which is the preferable source of funding, and as such, the amount of leverage needed by the company should decrease. Empirically, profitability is consistently found to be negatively related to leverage, as predicted by both theories. accordingly the following hypothesis is made 5. 1. Asset Tangibility (Asset in place) The thought behind asset palpability as a determinant is that tangible assets provide more security for potential investors as assets can serve as collateral.This will reduce the ris k for debt holders and ultimately reduce the cost of debt for the companies and they will be able to operate with higher leverage ratios without Incurring higher financial distress costs. Accordingly, the trade-off theory predicts that companies In which tangible assets accounts for a large part of the asset structure should Include larger debt levels than companies with a relatively larger amount of Intangible assets. Furthermore, collateralized debt makes It difficult for Investors to conduct asset substitution as the debt holders have collateral In specific assets.Therefore agency costs should be lower between shareholders and debt holders, and companies should use more debt relative to the amount of tangible assets they own. The pecking collection theory makes the opposite prediction as It suggest that tangibility will generate less information asymmetries between potential Investors and shareholders, and hence the cost of issuing candor will fall, resulting in lower levels o f used to predict that the cost of debt will fall as they will now be able to have alliterated debt.So unless the cost of equity falls below the cost of debt, the pecking order theory implies that companies will use the cheapest sources of funding, debt would still be the preferred funding to equity, at least for entertain amounts of debt. Therefore the prediction of the pecking order theory might not be as unambiguous as some researchers argue. Based on predictions of these theories and the consistent findings in previous empirical research the following descent between asset tangibility and leverage is expected. 5. 1. Growth Opportunity Growth opportunities calls for a similar reason as previously used to explain the predictions of asset tangibility effect on leverage, although with opposing conclusions. The first of all notion of the blood between growth opportunities and leverage is made by Myers, who states that the problem of shareholders making suboptimal enthronement d ecisions is more severe when a company has more growth opportunities as potential investors cannot value or decide which growth opportunities the company should follow.The value of a companys growth opportunities are most likely unaccompanied valuable to the individual company, or at least less liable to other companies, in which display case the costs of financial distress and bankruptcy will be higher for companies with many growth opportunities. With this thoughtfulness the trade-off theory suggests a negative relationship between growth opportunities and leverage.Similarly, with many investment opportunities the earnings before taxes is assumed to be lower in which case companies will not be able to fully utilize the interest tax shields associated with high amounts of leverage. Furthermore, companies having more investment opportunities likely value financial legibility highly, which also reduce the optimal leverage ratio. Contrasting this prediction is once again the peckin g order theory, as it predicts a positive relationship between debt and growth opportunities.The argumentation behind is that growth opportunities involves higher information asymmetries as shareholder are not willing to reveal much information to the highest degree their investment opportunities, and given that investment opportunities requires investment outlays and thus increasing a companys financing deficit, companies will produce debt financing and preferable worth-term financing when they experience finance deficits. The empirical results show consistent behavior of the relationship between leverage and growth opportunities and it is expected that this behavior is also present for Danish companies.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Automobile Industry in Korea: Rising or Falling?

IntroductionKoreas Automobile Industry is the fifth largest in the manufacture of cars and its parts provided imported from Japan and U.S. Today, Korea is besides one of the most highly developed in production of railroad carmobiles. By 1980s, the ability of Korea in auto constancy has change magnitude much than what they have expected. Producing 1.1 million units was really a prominent achievement, preferably in South Korea.Since economic boosted Korea for the early(prenominal) years, this made them partly one of the prestigious countries here in Asia. Its government supported the growth of this industry and early(a) programs created to build a squ ar and developed industrial base, which created opportunities particularly in business and other industries in the country. Not solely in automobile industry that Korea has expertise, but also in the field of electronics, particularly cell phone manufacturing, etc.DiscussionOver the past decade, Korea has proved its ability in the production, manufacturing and exporting of automobile way dressing in 1980. The industrys growth has expanded five times of what the Koreans expected. The doubt is, why or why not make the investment in the Korean automobile industry?Korea, presently divided into North Korea and South Korea. A small country, yet one of the most cultivate one. Because of their advanced technology as of Singapore and Japan, this made them one of the most progressive countries here in Asia.Automobile industry in Korea has been stable in the past years as founded in charts. However, rival is also stable. When the three big companies namely Hyundai Motor Co., Kia Motors, and GM Daewoo of auto industry in Korea were launched, a growing number of competitors immediately followed. Koreas growing industry changed the lifestyle of the Koreans, workers regret a wild revival, everyone protest of increasing land and housing prices but their wages became similar to western countries, labour unions were also banned.South Koreas investment in china in 2004, mainly steel and cars, passed Japans investment. Koreans believed that they have an advantage in China because they do not suffer from mark war hostilities than of companies in Japan. With the growing number of jobs, Korea experienced increased number of labourers and employment suppleness. They even engage workers from other countries just to increase the number of employees that they need in a particular company.Korea is now facing an economic stability and government fiscal situation. They continue to mitigate their work, and this means a continued financial problems. Korea has its access to potential and capital markets for their products are renowned globally. Their importers were also acclaimed to be among of the stellar(a) countries in Asia and in the world like U.S and Japan, which are also their primary manufacturers.Despite these problems, Korea still emerged as one of the leading countries in Asia in terms of inv estments and exports. For the next two years, the automobile industry planned to increase their gross sales from 28% to 50%.ConclusionKorea proved that it is worth to make an investment with them in automobile industry, for they are financially stable they had stable workers and are supported by their government policies. Business opportunities also increased due to their implementation of the Import Diversification Program, which pushed Korean firms to transfer purchases from Japan to purchases from U.S. this gave Korea a great opportunity in the business world, especially in automobile industry.One of the dangers of investing in Koreas auto industry is its argument to other neighboring countries that also manufactures automobile like China, which they say that they would set down the world market. It is also said that China enkindled over a million automobiles in 2004, which was really a great start.Another danger is the constantly changing of the country is laboring policies. Korean government controlled the institution of labour unions, which is why their policies are always changing. Because Koreas economy grew rapidly, costs of necessities increased rapidly. They need more persons to work in their companies, because jobs increased as their economy grew larger and wider. Sure, they have access in other countries like U.S and Philippines their only problem is the number of workers that would try their luck in working in the country.though Korea claims that their automobile industry aims a great success, we believed that it is not that worthy to invest there because of Chinas entering in the world market, the restrictions of labour unions and the attempts of the labourers to conduct company strikes. Maybe, investors will increase if they still improve the status of their growing business. It is not that bad to invest in the auto industry of Korea, only if China would not be a great competitor. By 2020, industry tycoons do agree that China could produce a mass of 20 million cars yearly.This proves that China could really make it ahead of Korea in the auto industry. China is also one of the most exporters of cars and cell phone units, which range from 27-30% than of Korea that only gained 26-28% in the past years. If Korea could only improve their way of treating exporters, they would probably get as much customers like of China. Koreas only edge in China is that their currency, the won, improved a lot better for it threatened the cost of U.S dollars as seen in charts and in newspapers. Were not saying that investing in Korea now is bad, only that the competition is not that healthy than of their previous years.ReferencesSavada, Andrea Matles and William Shaw. South Korea A Country Study. (1990). 17 June 2007. http//, James. The New York measure. 18 October 2005. 17 June 2007.http//, Heather S. Business America. 31 majestic 1987. 17 June 2007. http//

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Describe a setting in which you have collaborated

AS you grow up you argon going to meet a variety of different people. Every person you meet are non going to have the same views on life as you are . 1 came to translate that when my fast friend Bianca and I disagreed on the topic going to college. Bianca and I have been friends since freshman year. Surprisely we never brought up the topic of college until senior year. One day I decided to start looking at colleges online to sign an idea about where I wanted to go.AS I browse through colleges on College Board Bianca called me shout out and screaming about the new preview of teen wolf season 2. I was excited besides but at the time I really wasnt centralise on that. I was more focus on what school I wanted to attend. I decided to ask Bianca what college she wanted to go too. To my uncertainty she verbalise she wasnt going to college. I was astonished because she was much(prenominal) a smart and bright student. College also is such a big thing in my family.After high school t hats where you were expected to go. I ask Bianca why she didnt want to go to college she replied saying because nobody in her family has ever g integrity to college. Everyone in her family was expected to take form and most of all her family couldnt afford it. We continue talking more and more about college. I convert her to go because its alot of programs out there to help her to go to college almost or even free. Education is so important.It would help her to get ere dream career of becoming a nurse. As she thought about it she said she was going to take everything we talked about into consideration. At first I was astonished by the fact one of my closet friends that I known since freshman year said she wasnt attending college. Then I came to realize that everyone comes from different backgrounds and have different views on things. In the end I convinced Bianca to attend college and study is important. This fall semester we will be roommates

Friday, May 17, 2019

How Poverty in Zimbabwe Has Changed over Time? Essay

Poverty bed be chthonic(a)stood as the inability to meet a variety of basic needs and entitlements, by dint of a lack of income, access to resources or empowerment. Poverty at a national scale is complex and is caused by an array of meanss including many generated within the rural area but also others that be caused by external f subprogramors (figure 1).I will examine the internal and external causes of privation in the shore uplocked Southern Africa state of Zimbabwe (figure 3). In the last century Zimbabwe has experienced monumental economic and social change. Once Africas 2nd biggest economy, it is like a shot ranked 15th(figure 3). Overall Zimbabwe ranks 173rd in the world in terms of HDI (Human Development Index), 153rd in the world for gross domestic product and ranked 5th in the world for the lowest life expectancy1, indicating significant distress peculiarly when compared to the recounting developmental success of other southern Africa states (figure 5).When c onsidering aims of development, countries can be placed on Rostow Stages of Economic Development2, the bulk of countries move up the stages from experiencing economic growth. However Zimbabwe has slipped back down the Stages of Development early 1970 it was experiencing take morose & acceleration however in recent years it is now at pre-development (see figure 4), a mensuration back in economic growth development.An external cause of poverty in Zimbabwe is the geographic position. They are a territorylocked country they throw off no access to the seas for trading, curb border crossings and they are low-level on other countries for trade (figure 6). This leads to spacious transport costs and inadequate infrastructure, on average a country which is greaselocked experiences 60% less volume of trade plus it limits their economic growth and this external factor is a major cause of poverty4. Also, Zimbabwe has experienced good drought in the past rough years, it only has 8.32% 5 arable land and humour change is threatening to lessen their available land further. Arguably, these cause are already being observed in regions of Zimbabwe as the physical climate of the country has changed generally over the last three decades with the worst drought being experienced in 1991.However in recent years failure of the 2004-2008 rains reduced crop achievement by an estimated 95%, this has impacted firmly on Zimbabwes productivity, reducing both commercial trade to earn income and subsistence poverty. In years of severe drought the GDP growth was negative indicating a shrinking economy (figure 8), such unreliability of production limits their growth (figure 5). The unreliability of their economy stems from the external factors which also lead to national scale poverty through a lack of income, and an inability to meet basic food security needs which Maslow includes at the very(prenominal) base of his Hierarchy Of Needs (appendix 2), therefore pushing huge section s of society into poverty.Despite this geographical and climate disadvantage, I feel that poverty in Zimbabwe was serverly exacerbated as a result of political policy, this internal factor has had greater effect on the extent and depth of poverty experienced. In 2000 Robert Mugabe seized thousands of blank-owned farms in an ongoing and cutthroat campaign to reclaim what they say was stolen by settlers6. The land reform had a massive impact on Zimbabwes food production in 2005 they were ranked 177th out of 182 compared to South Africa (Zimbabwe neighbouring country) who are 82nd (figure 3). This portrays a massive problem as South Africa share the same climate and land features but are all in the opposite spectrum in terms of food production.The land reform in 2000 led to the rift up of farms, two thirds of the farms were given to ordinary passel on low-incomes. The remaining one-third included polished servants (16.5%), former workers on white-owned farms (6.7%), business peop le (4.8%) and members of the security services (3.7%)7 (figure 6). Arguably, these effects have been caused due to the bolshie of the commercial white farmers, they knew how to produce high yields along with the high quality and most importantly they knew how to tot value to their goods. I deal the impact of the land reforms is evident in the food crisis 2007-08 due to the land seizures, in some areas crop production reduced by 95%. Not only did Zimbabwe draw back a large section of its agriculture sector, it diminished its fellowship cohesion and provision of services end-to-end communities across the country (appendix 1). It lost its community support network and witnessed a mass exodus of its economically active society, causing intellectuals to leave the country causing brain a drain and further undermining income earning potential.The land reform campaign in 2000 was also thought to have contributed to the AIDS epidemic over 33% of the population are HIV convinced(p) (3r d largest in the world). As farming communities were disrupted, the economy deteriorated and many doctors left over(p) the country causing reduced access to healthcare. Many farmers were forced to move to different areas and in some cases families were separated, this resulted in sexual networks developing and an increase in the risk of HIV transmission. In 2009 the HIV preponderance in adults aged 15-49 was 14.3% causing the most economically active age group to have limited income earning opportunity as illness made work more difficult to continue causing income poverty (appendix 1).This is compared to South Africa where 15-49 prevalence was only 7% in 2009. Foreign companies are also reticent to enclothe in a country with such an unreliable workforce, again causing GDP limitations and national level poverty.But internally controlled land reforms would never have been needed but for the external factor of the apartheid authorities established by Ian Smith who was president of R hodesia (Zimbabwe) from 1964. Britain who had colonised separate of central Africa, wanted to keep reconcile of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) because it was known as the bread basket of Africa, they believed it had great potential8. However Ian Smith declared independence under white minority rule, sparking international outrage and economic sanctions. Additionally he completely radicalised the farming community when he introduced apartheid.He evicted the numerous black farmers and put the fewer white famers in control of the huge hectares of land because they were commercial farmers and knew how to produce high quality and high yields9. This led to a division surrounded by poor blacks and wealthy white people causing inequality and an increase in relative poverty. This eventually led to civil war and resulting in Ian Smith being over thrown by the British Government in 1979 Robert Mugabe was elected as the new prime minster in 1980. His chaotic attempt to decimate the apartheid regime ul timately ended up in a land redistribution campaign, which began in 2000 and caused an exodus of white farmers, crippled the economy, and ushered in widespread shortages of basic commodities. The economy of the Zimbabwe shrunk by 154.4 (figure 8).Although it could be argued that this is an internal factor as arrangement is part of the domestic jurisdiction of the country meaning that changes and alterations to policy and leadership should be internally controlled, in the case of Zimbabwe, these factors cannot be separated. Governance in Zimbabwe was controlled externally via colonial rule, and even after the descend of colonialism, for a significant period, the leader of Zimbabwe was externally decided and was the case of the appointment of Mugabe.It is undeniable that the internal governance of the country under Mugabe has been of paramount importance with regard to affecting poverty in Zimbabwe on a national scale such as failure to act despite everything going wrong, for denial of HIV, and ignoring of land reforms impacts on productivity, lack of free speech so intellectuals leave causing brain drain. His reign can be summarised as life expectancy in fell from 62 years in 1990 to 36 in 200610. He has been accused of policy myopia many times.From all the information and statistics described in this report it can be concluded that internal factors have had the most devastating effect on Zimbabwe as a whole, such as the land reforms which led to a spiral of decline for the country, especially as it could have been avoided. The devastation of the land reforms is still being felt in certain parts of Zimbabwe today the loss of intellectual people will be the hardest to recover from for Zimbabwe. They are the group of people what will promote economic growth and re-stabilise the economy. They attract investment from Trans National Companies for their knowledge and their enterprise they act as a multiplier effect for an economy.However this will take generations to re build. External factors of poverty such as their geographic location and climate have had impacts such as restricting them in trade and production. But comparison with neighbouring countries such as South Africa indicates they significantly outperform Zimbabwe. This leads us to believe internal factors have had a great impact on causing poverty in Zimbabwe (figure 4). However, as has been shown it is impossible to separate internal and external factors completely as they feed into one another. A ambitious collection of external factors such as climate, location and in particular colonial legacy under Ian Smith, created a situation where poverty was a real danger. However post-colonial, strong and positive governance could have reduced poverty. Unfortunately in Zimbabwe, Mugabes regime exacerbated the poverty situation.Once in poverty, youre in a vicious cycle of decline (poverty trap11). The poverty youre in prevents you from getting out, it counteracts you from taking positi ve actions12. As a result of high unemployment figures and a spiral of decline for the economy, those who had been educated left the country in hope for a prosperous future. This can be referred to as the brain drain13.1 Zimbabwe facts https// library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/zi.html 2 http// 3 http// 4 http// 5 http// 6 http// http// http// http// http// 11 http// 12 http// gAfricasPovertyTrapFINAL.pdf 13 http//

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Latin and United States

Apush Revolution is a huge change of power under a actually laconic period of time. The world revolution comes from the Latin language and is defined as a turn around. It is an overthrow of government by the human population creation governed. It is a very sudden event, which can last from 5 months to ten years. Changes occur regardless over a short period of time. the States was a revolution whether we like it or not. It went through many changes under much(prenominal) a short period of time, which would consider it a revolution. America has hosted many revolutions. The country itself has been an entire revolution.We yet go through many changes as a country, as we grow and build. In addition, America has bad incredibly quick since it was found by Christopher Columbus in 1492. We have become diverse. Take slavery, which was abolished and presently nonexistent in this country. We have the ability to change drastically which is a beautiful thing. Standing up for our rights is wh at has changed our country incredibly. Unfortunately, people claim America was never considered a revolution. These humans do not facial gesture deeply under the surface of the situation though. Take all of the arguments and battles that we have been through.Take example, pilgrims settling in America for the first time. They formed communities, to towns. We then populated over the entire United States. Our country is the epitome of change. In conclusion, the United States of America will always be considered a revolution all on its own. withal many changes have occurred in this country for it not to be a revolution. People are agreeable to argue the point, but everyone in the end knows the real answer. We should be happy with the fact of our country being able to change so well. It is something not many countries our capable of.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sociology - Essay ExampleHIV positive females are generally regarded as irresponsible. such(prenominal) a belief cannot be projected onto an HIV positive woman who has always shown responsibility in her workspace. Statements of common sense are assumed to be true however sociological research proves those statements as true or false. Sociological ideas are valid since they are backed by reliable breeding sources like interviews, text books and experiments. Sociological research goes beyond the obvious state and produce counterintuitive results. For this reason, sociological knowledge is considered superior to common sense when both have opposing ideas about a exchangeable phenomenon (Giddens 7). For instance, the common sense suggested that couples who cohabitate prior to getting married have reduced chances of getting divorced. But the sociological research dispelled this view point and rather dug out circumstances and situations that are responsible for divorce. pick up how the Internet can be used to conduct affectionate research. Is the Internet a good or bad place to conduct social research? Explain. Internet has played a vital percentage in connecting the different parts of the world. In order to make the social research successful, it is important to pass water the sample population legally. A geographical and prejudicial hindrance has been significantly eliminated by the Internet and has turn out to be prolific for the purpose of conducting research. Internet can be used to conduct time expeditious and quality effective social research. It provides incredible data sources that can be studied to arrive at certain conclusions. There are online journal databases that can be accessed to obtain information needed for sociological research. Typing in the keywords that suit your query directs the researcher to relevant databases and full length articles (Coomber, 2). Internet overly allows the sociology researchers to conduct wide scale surveys. Resp onse rate of Internet surveys is quite high especially in Europe. E-Mail surveys are considered a good option since they maintain anonymity between the experimenter and the subject which is effective for obtaining unbiased responses (Coomber 2). Identify the various pillow slips of social norms and give an example of each. Describe the various sanctions associated with violations of the various social norm types. Social norms make up an important element of living in a society. They normally direct us towards adopting acceptable behaviors. The social norms are generally divided into three categories. The first type of the social norms is termed as Folkways (Coomber). These norms are referred to as customs and relatively weaker norms that undergo mild enforcement in the society. Examples of Folkways norms could be wearing appropriate dress that must be modest enough. Another example is correct ingenuity like saying please when you are requesting for something and giving paper money to the shop keeper is as well considered a good manner. Appropriate eating habits also fall under folkways, for instance, you must chew viands without making unpleasant sounds. Violation of folkways does not bring up any legal or clean consequences (Coomber 3). The second and stricter type of social norms is called Mores. It is considered immoral not to follow mores. Usually their violation evokes punishment. Some of the examples of these tender social norms include bigamy,

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Electroinc contract law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Electroinc contract law - Essay casingThe main procedure to be followed will be culling research based on the electronic signatures resort to be fit into sensation of the three categories in the thesis. The main objective of the project is to establish the recounting safety of the electronic signature by looking at its reliability, enforceability, and the possibility of it being used illegally.The background knowledge of the project is limited to the electronic signature. In data collection and tools, a variety of resources will be available for use, including scholarly journals, periodicals, books, newspapers, the news media, and the Internet. Ethical standards, of course, do apply, and this writer will be citing all sources where demand and give credit where credit is due. Statistical analysis will only play a role if it is crucial to the research.Here, definition and discussion of contracts and contract law will be delved into the dissertation will be going in-depth into ap plicable episode law. A contract, by definition, is an agreement amidst two or more than persons which creates an obligation to do or not to do a particular thing. Its essentials are competent parties, publication matter, a legal consideration, mutuality of agreement, and mutuality of obligation.3 Additionally, a contractContracts may be one of three types express (an agreement brought about by words) implied-in-fact (an agreement brought about by conduct) or implied-in-law, as well known as a quasi-contract (which is not a true contract but an obligation obligate by a court despite the absence of a promise in order to reduce an injustice.5 Chapter 3. The Electronic Contract and Electronic Contract Law. Here, a definition of the electronic contract and electronic contract law will be examined, while a further discussion of specific case law will be probed in the dissertation. An electronic contract is a written agreement between parties that is presented through software bein g installed in your computer or transmitted by means of the Internet, whether it is presented on a webpage sent through e-mail or

Monday, May 13, 2019

History of Nursing Higher Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History of Nursing Higher Education - Essay suit hold education has made it possible for those who wish to go into the nursing field to acquire their degrees-at least(prenominal) partially-and to attend classes in their field from home or from wherever there is an Internet connection. Nursing students do not need to live in the same area as the school in instal to attend, which is definitely a huge change from traditional nursing education.The infusion of engineering science that has accompanied outstrip education has also brought other benefits to nursing education. Nursing students now have better equipment to practice on, such(prenominal) as more advanced patient simulators and patient care devices, and better resources from which to obtain knowledge, such as the Internet and vast online libraries.According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008, pg. 2), Technological advances are increasing opportunities to cleanse dramatically the quality of and access to nursing education. Further, technology affords increased collaboration among nursing faculties in teaching, practice, and research. sure use of technology in education may well enhance the professions ability to educate nurses for practice, doctor future nurse educators, and advance nursing science in an era when the number of professional nurses, pendant nurse faculty and nurse researchers is well below national need. To take full advantage of technology in education, several factors need to be addressed by nursing and other leaders in education and wellness care institutions, as well as by external funders and policy makers.Distance education has also made it possible for people from all over the world to begin nurses that faculty not have been able to otherwise. This means that it necessarily increases the multicultural aspects of the field. It opens the doors of opportunity into the field for those who want to become nurses, but may not have the time to study at a traditio nal institution. umteen distance learners are working adults who are very concerned with aspects such as time focusing when it comes to advancing their careers (White, 2003).Nursing ShortageAccording to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008)The United States is in the midst of a nursing shortage that is expected to intensify as baby boomers age and the need for health care grows. Compounding the problem is the fact that nursing colleges and universities across the country are struggling to poke out enrollment levels to meet the rising demand for nursing care. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is concerned intimately the shortage of Registered Nurses (RNs) and is working with schools, policy makers, kindred organizations, and the media to bring attention to this health care crisis. AACN is working to reenact legislation, identify strategies, and form collaborations to address the nursing shortage. A nursing shortage means that there is a ser ious need for recruitment into nursing schools. This can be challenging with biological scares such as MRSA, which will be discussed in the subsequent section of this assignment (Goold, 2006).MRSAAccording to Replidyne (2008, pg. 1), Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) is a type of staphylococcus aureus resistant to certain

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Entrepreneurship 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Entrepreneurship 2 - Essay faceAlthough actually I believe in my efforts and try to take advantage of opportunities, I can take into account that sometimes I tend to think that there is my destiny programme in the universe that rules my life. simply now I know that my relatively low level of the Locus of Control can be a barrier to my entrepreneurial aspiring, so I should learn to exert more control over my life and to increase my personal responsibility in achieving success in the context of solving my problems. I should also pay more attention to development of my creative thinking, improving imagination and an ability to see contrastive perspectives of ordinary things.I consider my company attracts and keeps entrepreneurial talents thanks to two main principles of its business to confide the opportunity for personal growth to each employee and to enhance personal capabilities through building and development of the team. for each one person in our company feels that the co mpanys success depends upon successes of each of us and vice versa.Amabile (1998) asserts that creativity takes place when expertise, creative-thinking skills, and motivation join together. In my company all three necessary components are established. In spite of that my business (a coffee shop) comprises much of routine, a creative atmosphere is provided thanks to challenges that are regularly given to staff, e.g. a contest in finding a best solution to attract of our ex-customers or to make suggestions for a seasonal menu. New ideas from the personnel are encouraged by our managers, especially if the ideas serve well to improve customer services. I think our good open-minded creative climate is also provided by the team that consists of people with diverse expertises and backgrounds it helps us to gain different views and to synthesize them in new, sometimes unknown ideas.2. I understand causes of the problem. The famous Kiplings six

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Business justice - Essay Example2 In order to have a valid ask, an ply must(prenominal) sufficiently be accepted. In this contingency when Simon ordered the 20 coffee machines, on that point was already a valid offer to obtain the said product from the contact. In order that the rivet may be perfected, what is needed is the valid credenza of the wholesaler. But since the wholesaler made no reply since the offer to purchase on Thursday, Simon had every right to change his mind. When Simon displace a fax canceling his order on Tuesday thereafter, there was still no perfected contract. The general chance is, once the acceptance is made, the offerror can no lifelong revoke the offer. But the acceptance becomes binding on the offerree only when it reaches the offeror. In this case the telefax was sent on Tuesday, while the letter of acceptance, confirming the order was received the next day. In order for the contract to be valid, acceptance of the offer is needed to create legal rights and duties arising from such agreement. In this case Simon has revoked his offer prior having knowledge of the acceptance the next day. In the case of Entores Ltd. v Miles Far East deal (1955)3, where the parties where dealing on an agreement based on telex communication between parties, it was held that it was not until the means of acceptance was received by the offeror until the contract is deemed perfected or complete. Lord Denning, Master of the Rolls, provided that if a notice of withdrawal was sent during business hours, the withdrawal was effective as of the time it was received by the telex machine, regardless if the other party received it or not based on their cause neglect.4 In our case it is obvious that after a number of days without confirmation of the request, Simon sent a telefax canceling his order on Tuesday, a day before there was a valid acceptance from the wholesaler. Hence, he had entirely the right to revoke his primary offer to purchase the coffee makers since there was no acceptance yet made, there was no contract yet perfected or created at that time. The telefax remains open to receive messages, there was also no confirmation made by the wholesaler that the request to purchase their product was even accepted, in addition to that there was no consideration or payment made. Simon had timely withdrawn his offer before any contract was created, hence he go away not be liable for any demand based on breach of a contract that was never effective. The use of disclaimers in shops or place of business is generally allowed by law, but the rule is not absolute, as it does not include responsibility for default as provided in the Unfair recoil Terms Act 1977. Simon cannot rely on his general disclaimer from preventing himself to be sued based on negligence that resulted to damages. The law provides that although disclaimers are allowed, it cannot be made or put in general terms as to limit the liability of the owner in every case, as the limited liability depends on the constitution of the obligation and must be reasonable as not to cause boundless responsibilities. It was held in the case of Staples v West Dorset District Council (1995) 5that a disclaimer or notice to be valid must renounce responsibility based on specific issues6. In this case, Simon posted a notice renouncing all responsibility for

Friday, May 10, 2019

E-commerce market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

E-commerce market - Essay ExampleIn the past, critical success factors were typically related to business infra-structure. One significant issue was that of internet speed-with the mass of Internet customrs connecting to the Internet via dial-up modem, file transfer speeds were extremely low. This presented a problem when attempting to transmit large files much(prenominal) as multi-media files. With steady financial investment from both the government and private business enterprises, the rapid approaching of technology in this atomic number 18a has led to the increasingly-widespread use of high-speed Internet connections such as blood line modems, ISDN and XDSL, which incr eternal rest file transfer speeds substantially. With communication speed being a limiting factor for the maturation of electronic commerce, these developments in information and communication technology have initiated a marked reduction in infra-structural problems for electronic commerce. More recently, h owever, new success factors such as security and copyrights have increased in importance.Another significant issue for many Internet businesses is related to expenses. Traditional corporations are able to fortify business strategies, enhance their image, offer efficient customer service, and create new Internet sales methods. However, fashionable Web sites have proven to require more resources than was once thought. According to recent look into, Web sites which trade products collectively pass along approximately 240 Won per year, while sites which sell content spend approximately 1 billion Won per year. Internet sites such as shopping malls, where actual transactions take place, spend around 3.35 billion Won every year.Companies which contrive to move into electronic commerce must plan and invest efficiently in the initial stages of development in order to create profit in spite of appearance a reasonable period of time. There are several success factors which should be co nsidered. E-businesses must provide good shelter for their customers, not only in terms of the products they sell, but also through ease of Web site navigation. They must differentiate themselves from other electronic commerce corporations to create a singular identity, and at the same time take care that they maintain the distinguished characteristics of e-business. It is also particularly important to manage resources carefully and control initial expenses through the gradual introduction of new technologies, while allocating adequacy resources to brand management to win and maintain the trust of their customers. Research on business models has shown that these success factors are critical.Companies that survive the rapidly-changing electronic commerce environment have unique business fields and business models. The results of explore on approximately 30 business corporations are presented here. Above all, successful electronic commerce corporations value for their customers. Through fluctuating markets, these companies continue to be warring and profit from e-commerce. Many of these companies also successfully contend in off-line markets as well as on-line markets. They manage their brands effectively to maintain consumer trust, and use differentiated services and unique profit models to succeed in what is become a very competitive market-place. Finally, they have organized themselves in such a way that with flexible attitudes and infra-structure they can cope with a changing business environment and introduce new technologies at the most appropriate times. The results of this exploratory research indicate

Thursday, May 9, 2019

ILLUSTRATION ESSAY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ILLUSTRATION - strive ExampleChanging debile bulbs is just one thing a person can do to reduce their carbon footprint, along with recycling, driving less, and buying local. There is no doubt the new kilobyte light bulbs have a lot of advantages in the battle against global warming. CFLs use about 75 percent less energy and last up to 10 times longer. If all the regular light bulbs in the United States were replaced with CFLs, 158 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, or the same carbon load as 30 million cars, would be saved (McKeown and Swire, 2009). If that were so, a quick trip in my car to the inlet store for a can of soda wouldnt have such a big contact on my carbon footprint.Compact fluorescent lights are to a greater extent energy efficient because they turn more of the electricity into light rather than radiating the energy away as heat. Because of this quality, some people take care the light as harsh. CFLs are coated with phosphor, which keeps certain wavelengths of light from showing up to the human nerve centre (Fischetti 2008). I dont think the light is harsh so much, just that it is brighter. That makes CFL bulbs an advantage, in my eyes. I can always adjust the lampshade so the light doesnt shine directly in my eyes, and many homes and businesses have subdued switches installed instead of regular on/off switches. Using a dimmer switch further reduces the amount of electricity needed to keep the lights on. The technology that makes CFL bulbs efficient also makes them speak to more money than regular light bulbs, but manufacturers are working on lowering be so more consumers will accept the change from regular bulbs to CFLs. Over time, the initial higher be balances out in energy savings and how long the bulbs last before burning out.G overnments all over the world have stepped up the push toward using more energy efficient CFL light bulbs (McKeown and Swire 2009 Fischetti 2008). As far back as 1996, more than 80 percent of Japanese households were using CFLs. Australia has already

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Economics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Economics - Research Paper ExampleThe acquisition of this form of knowledge depends on the owners of business processes, as they are the only entities with the ability to evaluate and quantify the financial, operational and regulative consequences of disruptions. The cause in reputation have remained difficult to calculate precisely and accurately.An elaborate analysis of teaching security risks should reflect the manner in which operations are affected and the manner in which condemnation affects this impact since this is hardly ever a linear function (Kairab, 2005). For instance, a service interruption that digest for ten minutes may have negligible ramifications while a similar service interruption or breach that last for a longer time may have catastrophic effects on a business or a company. Information risk definition and quantification is founded on sociable and dependable data that is evaluated by people who are conversant with particular information security processes , they modify the assessment of the effects in a reasonable

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Multi-Channel Retailing Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Multi-Channel Retailing - Speech or Presentation ExampleThe global retail operations of Costco can be primarily classified into tetrad major segments such as Discount and Variety Retail Warehouse Clubs and Superstores 2. Grocery Retail 3. accelerator pedal Retailers and, 4. Online Retailing Source (Costco Wholesale Corporation, 2012) Advantages Offered by Costcos Each Distribution Channel The scattering facilities offered by Costco incorporate a large number of potential buyers from different demographic backgrounds that are segregated base on family or business, income-level, age and gender. According to the present revolutionary transformations in the retail format, customers are exceedingly focused on purchasing goods through online or catalog shopping. Therefore, the distribution process of Costco passing utilizes the benefits provided by the online format in order to provide adequate support to each group of customers. The comp all, in this regard, is highly focused on ta rgeting the customers within the age group of 18 to 45 years who generally favour to barter for goods through online retailing format (Costco Wholesale Corporation, 2012). In relation to the similar retailers such as Wal-Mart, the organization has been identified as one of the major competitor for Costco. However, the organization is more competent than its competitors heedless catalogue/online shopping or store retail operations. Differentiating Buying Process of the Customers In relation to the distribution process of products, the operational process of Costco incorporates an effective strategy that ensures to provide various advantages to the organization. Therefore, the major advantageous factors that Costco help from its exceptional distribution channels including brick and mortar store and catalogue or e-commerce format are visualized hereunder The shopping in person customers of Costco generally tend to purchase their preferred products through a modest online or catalo gue format. In this context, the steps of online or catalogue shopping have been discussed hereunder. Identifying postulate Identifying needs of the products is the initial step where the in-person customers tend to recognize merchandise(s) in accordance with their taste and preference. searching and Obtaining Information In this step, the in person customers are focused on searching information close to the online store or catalogue regarding the availability, buying terms and condition, payment option and shipping facility among others. Evaluating and Selecting Retailers/ bring After obtaining information about online/catalogue, the customers evaluate and select appropriate retailer or distribution channel. tour Online Shopping Website/ Catalogue Visiting online shopping website/catalogue is the final step customers wherein the in person customers purchase their preferred or desired products via complying each term and condition of the retailer. In the due course of time, afte rward a consumer starts to continuously visit an online website for purchase his/her loyalty towards the retailer increases. Source (Costco Wholesale Corporation, 2012) Retail dodge Focusing on Retail-Mix Elements Location Location can be considered as one of the primary elements for any retail organization to efficiently perform its various distributional activities. In the context of the

Monday, May 6, 2019

Microeconomics Monopoly and Competition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Microeconomics Monopoly and Competition - Essay ExampleThis cannot be the case in rivalry because competitive foodstuffs many firms produce differentiated products that can be substitutes to each.Given that they manage large market sh are without competition, monopoly firms charge relatively high prices for their products compared to firms in a competitive market. In regards to this, Simpson (2010) explains that firms with monopoly power snip the amount of output that they produce in order to raise prices of that output. They then fasten the prices base on their production costs in relation to quantity of output. Without the presence of close substitutes to their products and the high prices, monopoly firm are able to enjoy super-normal profits which are maximized when the marginal cost of production equals marginal revenue.The efforts to implement their price policies, monopolies cause inefficiencies in the market which include reduction in consumer public assistance. The cons umer welfare enjoyed through the prices in a competitive market reduces when the prices of monopolies apply (Simpson, 2010). This is what leads to dead weight which is illustrated in the graph 1 below. In a competitive market, the price of products is at the point where the marginal cost (MC) equals to market price which corresponds to price P. based on this price level, consumers in the competitive market will enjoy a large consumer welfare which is represent by area EBF in the graph. Monopolist should then set their prices where profits are maximum and that the point C in the graph where marginal cost equals marginal revenue (MR). However, monopolists will alternatively set their prices at a higher point based on the average revenue (AR) which is shown in the graph as point A which corresponds to price P1 higher than P which the competition price.The high prices set by monopoly firms will then reduce the consumer welfare and result in other inefficiencies in the market. The consu mer which is delineated by

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Theory of Motivation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

guess of Motivation - Term Paper ExampleThis paper is an commence to understand theory of motivations. The evolution of the various theories of motivation is addressed. A specific theory is chosen and explained in detail along with explaining how a manager could use the theory in the head for the hillsplace to improve the performance. Overview of Theory of Motivation Theories of motivation suffer evolved over the years initially only focusing on physiologic needs (scientific management school of thought) to the most recent ones which focus on cognitive needs (human relations and neo human relations approach). The evolution of the theories of motivation can be best understood by analysing the thought process behind the individual theories of motivation. Scientific Management School of Thought The main report or thought process behind the very first theories of motivation was that humans are sage beings touch offd by physiological needs (mainly by materialistic gains). Freder ick Winslow Taylors theory is one of the major theories from this school of thought and like many other theories of its time, Taylors theory also assumed that employees work to satisfy economic needs, and hence money is the only motivator. This theory did not focus on activated needs but only limited employee motivation to pay. Human Relations School of Thought near step in the evolution of theories of motivation was the shift in focus to favorable needs. ... that fulfilled social needs, than money. Neo Human Relations School of Thought The neo-human relations school of thought was introduced by Abraham Maslow along with Frederick Herzberg wherein the focus now shifted to the employees psychological needs. Maslow in his hierarchy of needs theory proposed that employees are prompt to fulfil specific needs and these needs can be hierarchically classified into 5 groups physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, ego and esteem needs, and self-actualization. He argued that the needs must be satisfied as per the hierarchical parliamentary procedure. An employee will move to higher order needs only after fulfilling the lower order need. Herzberg, on the other hand, proposed a two factor theory that said that there were factors which presence would motivate the employees, and factors which absence would de-motivate the employees. This theory will be discussed in detail in the next section. Herzbergs Two agent Theory Herzberg in his two factor theory argued that there were two certain sets of factors that would affect the employees performance. He called one as the motivators which would have a direct positive impact on motivation and would result in hard work from the employees. The second one were the hygiene factors which presence would not have any impact on motivation but their absence would de-motivate the employees and result in poor performance. nigh of the motivators that Herzberg listed were advancement, responsibility, recognition, achievement and work. Some of the hygiene factors that Herzberg mentioned are salary, working conditions, company policies, relationship with co-workers, etc. According to this theory, motivated and de-motivated are entirely two different concepts and not the

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Petroleum supply in the usa Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Petroleum supply in the usa - Term Paper modellingAccording to the might sector of the United States, petroleum products meets about 40 % of the Americans needs and wants. Most of the American citizens worry about the harzoudous effects of embrocate on the environment and they would like the nation to keep base and acquiring more sustainable oil sources. Additionally, there is controversy over the political stage perplexity and the sources of the American oil, which is vital in meeting the conveys of oil in the American state (, 1).In more than 200 million historic period, formation of oil beneath the surface of the earth occurs continuously. However, in 200 years time, the rate of consumption of the oil formed beneath the surface of the earth is high. Research done shows that in 40 years to come, depletion of the oil resources remaining would occur. The United States would solace have other fossil oil like shale, oil, coal, tar, sands and natural gas. This means that even if depletion of all the oil resources occurs in the United States, they would still have other fossil fuels that would earn them capital. United States do not only depend on the sale of oil as their only source of income but they have other sources. However, most of these energy resources argon too expensive and the process of converting them to transportable fuels for use would cause harm to the environment as they produce harmful emissions to the surroundings (Glass, 5).Between the year 1950 and 1970, the world demand for oil has increased from 11 million barrels to 57 barrel respectively. The United States consumes almost 20.7 barrels of oil, which is the most compared to other countries, which are the five next largest consumers of oil, which Germany, Japan, Russia, China and India. The United States remains the largest consumer of oil even though the world demand for oil has increased as the economies of China and India has developed (Wright, 1).In the year 2009, ref ineries used an