Sunday, February 23, 2020

Outline for Artist Research and Comparison Essay

Outline for Artist Research and Comparison - Essay Example 36-45). Besides Tomma, Daniel Buren is another painter whose works were successful in inspiring me for this paper. In particular, Daniel is a conceptual artist who represents the art movement of Abstract Minimalism, so he somehow relates with Tomma in some ways. Moreover, regarding his artistic style, he is more into sculptures and integration of art into historical buildings that is a noteworthy characteristic of this artist (Temkin, pp. 216-236). Brice Marden is the third artist that found his place in this paper. He is another painter that represents the Abstract Art movement, and specifically, the Abstract Minimalism (Marden & Keller, pp. 23-49). Despite being an abstract painter, his works relate especially with the landscape and nature that is a unique and unusual attribute about an abstract painter. Lastly, Blinky Palermo was an abstract painter from Germany who dies in the year 1977. One of the major reasons of choosing this painter was his integration of abstract art into fa bric paintings and colorings that put him aside other artists from the Abstract Art movement. Although he was an abstract painter, but experts have related his works with Constructivism, as well as Modernist Art movement (Temkin, pp. 216-236). After analyzing different studies and works of the four painters, the final paper will be including investigation and scrutiny of two painters, Tomma Abts and Brice Marden. It is an observation that both painters enjoy few similarities in their relationship, as well as some differences that distinguish them from each other. For instance, both represent the movement of Abstract Art that brings them under a single umbrella, and it will be easier to analyze their works from a single lens. Detailed study of Tomma Abts (Hoptman & Hainley, pp. 22-27) has indicated that her works seem abstract in an ideal manner; as none of her works seem to represent or deliver any kind of theme

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Computer games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Computer games - Essay Example If the vigorous physical sports and the wild spirit characterized the children of previous century, I believe the trademark of today’s youth is computer games. According to Diane Carr â€Å"computer games have existed in some form for almost half a century and have been a mass-market commercial phenomenon for more than twenty five years. They are a regular part of life for millions of people†. Internet and computer games have turned out to be an entrenched aspect of the daily lives of many people. The use of computers has gone further than just work and is at present a main source of enjoyment and entertainment. For the majority of the individuals, gaming at computer is incorporated into their daily lives in a reasonably healthy way. Whereas for others, time used up on the computer games fails to meet equilibrium, and has succeeded to replace work, education, family, and even friends. A massive Multiplayer online game (MMOGs) is mainly a very spectacular example of the fame and extension of computer games not simply between the youth but with gamers of all age. Distinguished because of their unrelenting implicit world, their complic ated narrative situations, surroundings and iconography, their frequently captivating aesthetics and their level, their main prominent characteristic, debatably are the manners in which they operate. As modern media plus digital civilization obtains a progressively more vital position in the lives of young people’s, computer games happen to characterize the manners in which contemporary characteristics, prospects and knowledge regarding the world may be formed and manipulated by their commitment with the world of online gaming through computers. The basic disadvantages of computer games on the extensive gamers are that similar to other forms of addictions, the users turn out to be lost in the world of gaming, tell untruths about the time they spend playing it, elude themselves from other things in life only to