Friday, December 27, 2019

Why Teenagers Send These Sexual Messages And Photos

Today we live in a world where technology and social media are a big platform in our lives. Smart phones, iPads, and Tablets along with the internet provides many of positive ways to connect and communicate with others. Young adults were born into the generation of advanced technology which can also have possible negative effects. Sexting is the well-known meaning of sharing explicit photographs, text messages, and sexual content through digital devices, cellular devices or over the internet. According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, â€Å"22% of teen girls and 20% of teen boys have sent nude or seminude photos of themselves over the internet or their phones.† With this being said, many teenagers are engaged in sexting without being aware or considering the consequences of participating in this behavior. The teens of this generation think of sexting as a casual but flirtatious way to communicate to others. There are many reasons why teenagers send these sexual messages and photos. Most do not see that sending a nude picture of themselves is a big deal. With the survey conducted by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, researchers asked why the teens sent a sext. Common replies were â€Å"it’s for my boyfriend or girlfriend† and â€Å"it might help me hook up with the person.† Some even stated that sexting was fun to them and it’s what they do when their flirting with someone. If sending a picture of their own body toShow MoreRelatedGender, Gender And The Media1501 Words   |  7 Pagesdigital media. People usually use their cellphones to send sexually suggestive messages including naked images or dirty pics and words to their partners. For adults, it is clear that sexting is a phenomenon that is not constrained to simply unattached individuals looking for fun, it is used by those in intimate relationships to increase feelings of intimacy and closeness one s partner. F or teens, it is a prelude for those who do not have sexual activity yet or who are looking forward to start a relationshipRead MoreThe Medias Dirty Little Secrets: Media, Advertising, Teenagers, and Sexuality 1442 Words   |  6 Pagesimportant to teens in their high school years. Research has demonstrated that teenagers â€Å"voice concerns and attitudes that echo themes common in media messages, and that they behave in ways that reflect media content† (Feldman 245). The concern is that the sexually suggestive media is the reason for the increase of sexual activity among high school teens. The media messages that are known to increase a teenagers’ sexual behavior come from all different angles, such as sexually explicit music lyricsRead MoreThe Problem with Teen Sexting934 Words   |  4 Pages on April 4, 2014, ABC News published a story about a sexting scandal in Virginia: Police Bust Virginia Sexting Ring Involving More Than 100 Teens Explicit Photos of Underage Girls to Instagram Accounts. As the title implies, authorities are directing an investigation about â€Å"sexting† that implicate more than a 100 teens and over 1,000 photos and some videos of nude girls posted to an account on Instagram. The investigation â€Å"involves both middle and high schoolers across six counties† (Fields), theirRead MoreThe New Addiction- Smartphones915 Words   |  4 PagesToday Teenagers of the world have a new addiction. This new addiction is known as smartphones. Teenagers between 1517 nowadays are using smartphones without limits. Everywhere you turn you see teens bending down or swiping or clicking their phones screen or sleeping with their smartphones under the pillow. Day after day smartphones are becoming more central to teenagers lives. A smartphone could be well-defines as a portable phone that has additional functions parallel to personal digital assistanceRead MoreTechnology and Sex Essay1991 Words   |  8 Pagesdiscussed and causes issues for parents, students, educators, and law enforcement. Although there is no legal definition of sexting, it generally refers to writing sexually explicit messages, taking sexually explicit photos of themselves or others in their peer group and technologically transmitting those photos and/or messages to their peers. Now many people don’t know the problems associated with sexting. Most of these problems occur when one or all parties are minors. When a minor is involved thereRead MoreThe Importance Of Cell Phones In School1024 Words   |  5 Pagesbeliefs, sexual orientation, their physical traits and features, and even their personality on a daily basis. This monstrous and dehumanizing act is most prominent in the hundreds of thousands of schools across the nation. How does bullying and cell phones in school correlate you may ask? With the wide use of smartphones by teenagers, one could just imagine how this epidemic has grossly become more severe of a problem. Sadly, we do not have to imagine it. Forty-two percent of teenagers who own aRead MoreHow Propaganda Affects Teens1087 Words   |  4 Pagestelevision, billboards, flyers, poster, magazines, etc. are sending out thousands of messages with one main goal which is to persuade generations of America. All of these resources are types of propaganda which according to The World Book Encyclopedia is this is going to be the definition from the books at Grammys house because we need a source that’s a book. One generation greatly affected by propaganda is teenagers. Propaganda is everywhere we go and bombards teenager’s lives in a negative way. EvenRead MoreSexting Among Teenage Girls and Boys1435 Words   |  6 Pagesexplicit text messages, pictures, or video using cellular phones’, ( Crespi, Segool, 2013). It is viewed that those who participate in sexting are part of a deviant subculture. As technology has further advanced over the years, mobile phones in particular have the ability to record and send photos and videos and with this also comes the increase in sending explicit and suggestive material, mainly among teens. The content being sent can be anything from texts, semi nudity and even sexual picture andRead MoreA Life Threatening Habit : Using Drugs And Alcohol1665 Words   |  7 Pagesmany negative effects that teenagers do not know and that will cause harm in long term usage. For some, using their cell phone is a way out of reality and an escape from the outer lives. Social media is becoming more popular every year which is attracting younger kids. The cell phone is a trap to the next generation and will create problems for teenagers. In today s society, cell phones destroy people s communication abilities, social lives, and driving abilities. Teenagers having real conversationsRead MoreThe Social Of Social Network1215 Words   |  5 Pageshas become a controversial topic as well as the special influence on teenagers in 21th century. Somehow, the social platform has become an integral part of modern life because of conveniency . A social network can be defined as a network of social connections and personal relationships. It also refers to dedicated websites or other applications that enable users to communicate with one another by posting images, information, messages, and comments. Examples of social networks include social media sites

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Exploring Schizophrenia Essay - 1781 Words

Exploring Schizophrenia Schizophrenia which affects approximately 1 percent of the population, usually begins before age 25 and persists throughout life. The illness is a life long debilitating condition for about 40% of patients and is enormously costly in both social and economic terms. Despite the presence of delusions, hallucinations and cognitive impairment which characterize the illness, overall life expectancy is not altered (although there is a significantly increased risk-of suicide in the early years). Schizophrenia is usually viewed as a functional psychosis, a label which implies that the symptoms arise from the disorderly activity of neurons without accompanying anatomical and pathological alterations of brain†¦show more content†¦Blealer coined the term Schizophrenia, which means split mindedness, in reference to the theoretical schism between thought, emotion, and behavior. Unfortunately, this term historically has caused confusion with split personality (also called multiple personality), a completely different disorder from schizophrenia. Blealer?s definition of schizophrenia differed from Kraeplin?s dementia praecox in-two major ways: first, Blealer did not feel that deterioration was a necessary symptom of the disorder; Second, Bleuler divided the symptoms into fundamental (primary) and accessory (secondary) symptoms. The most important fundamental syndrome was a thought disorder characterized by associational disturbances, particularly looseness. The other fundam ental symptoms were affective disturbances, autism, and ambivalence. Accessory disorders included hallucinations and delusions. Both Kraepelin and Bleuler assumed that there was an underlying biological basis for this disorder. Gabriel Langfeldt, unlike Blealer, derived his criteria from empirical experience, rather than a theoretical formulation. Langfeldt divided the disorder into true schizophrenia and schizophreniform psychosis. The diagnosis of true schizophrenia rests on the findings of depersonalization, autism, emotional blunting, insidious onset, and feelings of derealization and unreality, True schizophrenia is often referred to as nuclear schizophrenia, process schizophrenia, or non-remitting schizophrenia.Show MoreRelatedExploring Schizophrenia Essay1397 Words   |  6 PagesExploring Schizophrenia A disease that leads to more suicide deaths than AIDS, SIDS, and MS combined is present in one in one hundred people globally. Schizophrenia is prone to lead to long-term disability, unemployment, drug and alcohol abuse, and family trauma. Ten percent of all patients commit suicide. Schizophrenia is an infamous disease attacking the American population. What is schizophrenia, how is it caused, what does it do, and who does it effect? OneRead MoreEssay about Exploring Schizophrenia4194 Words   |  17 PagesExploring Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a cruel disease. The lives of those affected are often chronicles of constricted experiences, muted emotions, missed opportunities, unfulfilled expectations. It leads to a twilight existence, a twentieth-century underground man...It is in fact the single biggest blemish on the face of contemporary American medicine and social services; when the social history of our era is written, the plight of persons with schizophrenia will be recorded as having beenRead MoreExploring the Mental Illness of Schizophrenia Essay1530 Words   |  7 PagesMany people have ignored the illness that affects about one percent of the population. Schizophrenia is the mental illness that I’m referring to. Schizophrenia is a psychotic illness which is can be never-ending, severe, and brain distorting. I’ve grown interest in this particular topic for several reasons. One influence came from my interesting aunt. The problem started when I noticed the farfetched information my Aun t relayed to me. â€Å"Hey Aunt, how are you?† I squealed â€Å"I’m not so good, I feelRead MoreSchizophrenia Is A Disabling Brain Disorder858 Words   |  4 PagesSchizophrenia is a disabling brain disorder that has affected many people throughout history. While having this disorder there is many things that goes through a person’s mind. Many people with Schizophrenia may hear voices that other people don’t hear. Also with this disease they believe other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. With those symptoms this can cause people to become ill and make them withdrawn or extremely agitated. Some other effectsRead MoreWhat is Schizophrenia?985 Words   |  4 PagesSchizophrenia is the worst of all mental health disorders because it is many severe disorders all put into one such as mood disorders and psychological disorders. It is a mental health disorder that affects a persons’ reality. When the word Schizophrenia is broken into two, schizo means â€Å"Splità ¢â‚¬  and phrenia means â€Å"mind† (DeWall Myers, 2014, p.562). According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about 1% of Americans have schizophrenia. Schizophrenia has many different components suchRead MoreSchizophrenia And Its Effects On People On A Daily Basis808 Words   |  4 Pagesof understanding schizophrenia; normal is anything that deviates from the socially accepted way of conducting one’s self. The person affected by this disorder is drifting away from reality and, at the same time, drifting away from who they have been their whole life. It has been stated that schizophrenia plays a very large role pertaining to who a person is and how that person’s actions are interpreted by the culture they live in. To contain the context of what schizophrenia is, the textbook definitionRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1515 Words   |  7 PagesThe term ‘Schizophrenia’ was introduced by Eugene Bleuler in 1908 to describe a set of symptoms previously labelled as dementia praecox. Schizophrenia refers to the splitting of different psychological symptoms within a single personality (Davey, G. 2014). â€Å"Schizophrenia is characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and behaviour, and other symptoms that cause social or occupational dysfunction. For a diagnosis, symptoms must have been present for six months and include atRead MoreMental Disorder And Its Effects On Schizophrenia1131 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract: Schizophrenia is one type of mental disorder .There are three types of symptoms like positive , negative and cognitive. It creates hallucinations, delusions and interacts to thought process of persons. Though it is a treatable but it affects person’s ability in to reality. There are many factors which affect the schizophrenia like biological factors, psychological factors, sociocultural factors. Among them in biological factors, age and sex highly affected to Schizophrenia. The psychologicalRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia980 Words   |  4 PagesSchizophrenia is a severe brain disorder that disrupts the normal balance of thinking and emotions; thus, sufferers decode reality abnormally. Schizophrenia can result in an amalgamation of delusions, hallucinations (visual or auditory), disordered thinking, chaotic speech, and behavior (Mayo Clinic, 2014). Schizophrenia â€Å"has the highest disability rating (0.53) of all mental illnesses among adults† (Eaton, 2012, p. 19), and as a chronic disorder requires lifetime treatment. The latter serves asRead MoreClinical And Clinical Research Project1344 Words   |  6 Pagescognitive deficits associated with schizophrenia. As the clinical symptoms of this disorder emerge during early adulthood, abnormal developmental processes are thought to contribute to the pathos-physiology of the disorder. It was discovered the the DA intervention of the prefrontal cortex undergoes significant change up until adulthood which leads to Finlay’s hypothesis that the abnormal development of this system may be related to the emergence of schizophrenia. Experimental and clinical research

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Caves free essay sample

For thousands of years they have proven to be both man and mammals most natural hiding place. Whether an injured hiker who is seeking shelter from a raging storm or a frightened rabbit hiding from a hungry mountain lion caves are a refuge for the hunted and the hurting. They are a place we run and hide. We dont choose caves we are chased into them. While you may feel lonely, you are not alone. Most of Scriptures mightiest men lived in a cave at one time or an- other. Its where Elijah hid from Siebel and David hid from Saul. Caves are a momentary refuge for the fearful.Isnt it ironic that after having demonstrated Gods power in marvelous ways, some of Gods most anointed vessels still succumbed to fear and sought refuge in a cave. We dont choose caves -? we are chased into them. Elijah had just been standing on the top of Mount Carmela and calling down fire from heaven. David had most recently slain a larger than life giant with nothing more than a shepherds slingshot. These were men of faith! Some people say that fear is the opposite of faith. Wrong! Fear is faith faith in the enemy. More often than not, we find that the life of Gods anointed is a journey of peaks and valleys.Do you know what it is like to live one moment in victory and the next running from defeat? Depression and condemnation stand nearby whispering doubt and discouragement. A different voice in each ear can cause you to question if the anointing of God on your life is real, or just a figment of your hopeful imagination. How can I be anointed and be living in a cave? There is nothing about a cave that screams destiny. Scripture tells the story Of five evil kings whom Joshua was chasing. They were running for their lives. Fear chased them to the same place it chases everyone and they find themselves hiding in a cave. Caves are not always evil.Caves can be a place where we regain our breath and recalibrate the compass of our minds. Caves can often be the dark room in which God allows us to ell from hurts and develops our character for the destiny that lies ahead of us. The difference between a cave and a dark room is the amount of time we spend there. Strictly speaking, dark rooms are meant to be a short part Of the process. Caves are not always evil. Caves can be a place where we A baby is conceived and developed within the dark room of the womb. Imagine the tragedy of a child who would refuse to submit and surrender to the pushing pangs of a birthing mother.A child who refused to the leave the dark room of the womb and become the living, breathing human it was intended to be. The baby is nurtured with food, comfort and security in the womb and yet that is not where it is intended to stay. It is absolutely imperative that it leave the cave and venture into the unknown world of what lies beyond. Yes, it will find the world to be an uncertain place, but it will also discover it has greater siftings than it did before. A world of sight, simple pleasures of smell and taste, a symphony of sounds. How often do we become comfortable in our caves?Comforted in the moment by a false sense of safety and security. We learn to deal with the isolation, and in doing so we resolve ourselves to a one-dimensional existence. No longer do we chase the aspirations, dreams and hopes we had before whatever has us hiding in a cave. Cave-dwellers never discover the victories of purpose. The five kings whom Joshua chased made this same fatal mistake. They choose to make the cave their residence rather than a resting place. Inevitably Joshua corners these men in their cave and commands his armies to roll a stone in front of its entrance.No longer do the men live in a cave, they now live in a prison. There is nothing Satan would love more than to trap you in a cave. Remember the Apostle Peter calls him a roaring lion seeking whom e may devour. This is probably one Of the most profound statements in Scripture because it reveals the character, nature and tactics of Satan. A lions greatest hunting weapon is not its large claws or merciless fangs, rather it is the lions roar that proves to be most deadly. While chasing a herd of antelope, the lion studies the group and searches for one that looks weakened or injured.As it gives pursuit it will let out a ferocious sounding roar. While the sound itself does no damage to the hunted, it causes a moment of paralyzing panic and indecision. The antelope freezes in a moment of fear. There is nothing Satan would love more than to trap you in a cave. Remember the Apostle Peter calls him a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. One split second is all the lion needs to position himself between that solitary animal and the rest of the herd. Fear not fangs, prove to be the lions weapon of choice. It was fear that drove both Elijah and David into their perspective caves.There is another tactic at work in the story of the lion and the antelope. Notice that a lion always finds a way to separate its prey from the rest of the herd. It targets one who is vulnerable or already injured and uses its scare static to somehow divert the lone animals path in a different direction. The lion realizes there is strength in isolation and numbers. Do you think its an accident that the first instinct we have during tragedy is to withdrawal ourselves? No, its a strategy of the enemy. That is why Paul encourages us to forsake not the assembling of ourselves together.Life was never meant to be lived in isolation. In fact, God looked down at the first man Adam and declared, It is not good for man to be alone. Even though Adam was living in a lush garden and paradise of perfection, God knew that he would to find happiness without the communion of community. Its important to not relegate caves to a mere physical location. Caves are a state of mind. State of mind. Its possible to be surrounded by people and still be alone. There are plenty of stories of people who have died of dehydration while waiting for the Coast Guard to rescue them from a shipwreck.They were in the water and yet had no water in them. How often do we find ourselves in crowds with no connection? Know men and women who have been married for thirty years and still feel alone. They are in something that isnt in them. Hurt often mimes cause us to build fortified walls around our heart. We isolate ourselves out of fear and end up living in a prison we have built. Walls that were built to keep something out end up trapping us inside. Years and still feel alone. The most dangerous mistake we can make during the process of healing is growing acclimated to the cave.Our eyes become accustomed to the dim light. Our nose loses its memory of the daffodils smell and become accustomed to the musty stench of our new darkened home. Recently watched the sad story of a cave dweller play out in front of my very eyes. This man had taken a truck river hostage at gunpoint, and when the police arrived he quietly surrendered as if it were his plan all along. Turns out, it was his plan. He was a previously convicted felon who had spent nearly two decades in prison. He had grown accustomed to his cave and couldnt operate in the freedom of society.It was foreign to him it was too uncertain. He had been searching for a job and had been turned down by a couple of potential employers. He never intended to kill his hostage, he just wanted to return to his cave. Although he was a free man, his mind was trapped. Many psychologists agree that the rampant return rate of rebelliously convicted felons to prison is not because of their propensity towards crime but instead it is their fear of living outside of the cave they have grown accustomed to. Although this may seem ridiculous and illogical to us, we often do the same thing.We just choose to live in the security and comfort of an imprisoned mind. Have grown accustomed to. The story of the five kings does not end in the impound of imprisonment. Joshua commanded his soldiers to kill the prisoners by hanging, and then instructed the soldiers to bury their bodies in the same cave in which they had been hiding. Many times we experience the same thing. What begins as a cave, becomes a prison, and then eventually becomes our grave. One of my favorite Bible characters is a man by the name of David. David is mostly known for his showdown with a giant named Goliath.However, he was a young man with many victorious moments which are memorized in Scripture. As a young shepherd boy he killed both a lion and a bear with his bare hands. Imagine doing these feats before you were twenty years of age. David knew what it was like to be famous and celebrated in the streets. He had experienced the mountaintops of being victorious and el of the wonderful benefits of celebrity. However, Davits father figure Saul was extremely jealous of him. He couldnt stand to see everyone singing Davits praises while he, Saul, was actually the king.He began plotting Davits destruction and tried on several occasions to murder him. Imagine the rejection that David must have felt. As a result, he was forced to run away from home, leave his family, friends, country, and flee into the desert alone. Remember, a cave is not relegated to a location, but it can be a state of mind. It can simply be a dry and deserted state of mind in which we hose to live. Often we choose deserts because no one else lives there. Human relationships scare us because it presents the possibility Of being hurt again.We have been hurt, rejected, abused and abandoned before, and we dont want to experience that feeling again. Thus, we are chased into a desert cave of isolation. Out of necessity we may interact with people at our job, in our family and in public, but we are nonetheless living in a cave because we refuse to allow anyone to delve past our exterior. We know how to fake a smile, shake a hand, even laugh all of this while we are dying inside. David is in this place and he makes what could have been a fatal mistake. He builds a house. Allow me to reiterate, caves are temporary and never meant to be a destination.You should not allow yourself to get comfortable in a cave! David lives in the desert for several years. He actually functions enough to get married, make a few friends, build a house, have children and survive. But was life given to us by God with the purpose of merely surviving? Would guess that many of you reading this book have had a similar experience. Over time you have learned how to manage your pain and emptiness and go through the motions Of life. But life was never meant to be lived like this! God placed inside of each one of us a divine destiny and prosperous plan. He has a strategy for you to succeed.Now this is where the story becomes interesting! David is comfortable living in his cave, when all of a sudden he leaves for a couple of days to return to absolute destruction and tragedy. The enemy came while he was gone and burned down his house, stolen his wife, children, gold, cattle and left him with absolutely nothing! There might be times that you feel like you are walking through hell but allow me to share a secret. God has His and on the thermostat and God has promised that His plans for us are good and not evil and that all things work together for the good of those who love God.Imagine you are David. You had already lived in this hilarious desert but just when you thought things couldnt get any worse, they did! Have you ever been there? Have you ever experienced that kind of bad luck? It wasnt bad luck. It was actually the greatest thing that ever could have happened to David. God had actually used the plans of those who hated David to drive him out of his cave and into his destiny. In the same way those who persecuted Christ and crucified Him on he cross played into heavens eternal plan, Davits enemies fell into the trap.What they meant for evil, God used for good! As history records, David pursued the enemy, destroyed them and took back everything that was stolen from him. Actually, he not only recovered what was stolen from him but also the spoils from the wars they had waged against others. In all, he recovered seven times more! What seemed on the surface to be a tragic situation, God used to drive David out of his cave and into his destiny! Now wealthy, he still has no place to go home to. But little did he know, that God had been planning this all along. He returns to his homeland only to find that Saul has died and that the throne is waiting on him. What seemed on the surface to be a tragic situation, God used to drive David out of his cave and into his destiny! Is it possible that God has your destiny waiting right outside the door to your cave? I know from my own bout with depression and my two years in a cave, that when I decided to come out the scenery had drastically changed. Had no idea that the loneliest guy on the planet would in six months after exiting my cave, have over 350,000 Faceable friends and a viral video blob reaching millions of people.I had no clue that my story of losing my fiance, losing the church I pastured, losing my television ministry, losing my radio ministry and losing my sanity would somehow translate into a testimony that would affect millions of people. Had no idea that the loneliest guy on the planet would in six months after exiting my cave, have over 350,000 Faceable friends and a viral video blo b reaching millions of people. My life goal was to have a fruitful ministry and introduce millions of hurting people to the hope and healing of Jesus Christ. Hough that when no longer had a church, TV show or radio program, that my life, ministry and future ere over. Walked into a cave and lived for two years thinking the best part of my life was done. Little did I know, it had not even started. If there is one thing wish I could shout into the darkened caverns of peoples depression it is simply Come out of your cave, ifs time to live! This is where our story meets the story of Jesus. Imagine Christ who has experienced the most painful rejection the human mind could ever imagine. The same mankind He created in the beginning had just mocked, humiliated, tortured and crucified Him.This same Jesus, who endured the physical pain of 39 lashes by a Romans whip and a shifted crown of inch-long thorns pushed down upon His head. This innocent man whose body was hung on a cross by virtue of hands and feet that had given way to spikes, and whose side bore the open wound of having been driven through with a spear. This is where our story meets the story of Jesus. Hurt and humiliation is an understatement when describing the cross. It was so painful that in His last few minutes we hear the cry Of His humanity when He sobs, Father, Father why has thou forsaken mere He dies. They remove Him from the cross and carry Him to a cave. Eave always had an issue with the fact the Jesus was ride in a borrowed tomb. It never sat well with me that the King of kings and Lord of lords would not have enough gold to buy His own resting place but rather had to resort to being buried in someone elses grave. Does it make sense to you? Shouldnt He have been buried In a marble mausoleum, or golden shrine? Here is the King of the Universe. It never made sense to me until I realized that, much like me, Jesus came from a long lineage of Jews. Having experienced it firsthand all of my life I can tell you that Jews will never pay for anything that they only plan on using for three days.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The History And Culture Of Islam The Arabs And Their Contributions To Global Civilization And The Advancement Of Human Society

Every civilization is a complex representation of its achievements, downfalls, and morale. A civilization is the reflection of the philosophy of a particular culture and is being analyzed through a prism of different aspects. Generally, the modern preconception about the definition of ‘civilization’ covers the most advanced period in the development of the society, which is accomplished considering scientific, technological, and intellectual level.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The History And Culture Of Islam The Arabs And Their Contributions To Global Civilization And The Advancement Of Human Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Currently, the modern stage of our civilization development owes to the range of different cultures and nations. Hence, this paper is aimed at uncovering the value of Islam and its contributions to what face modern world now has. â€Å"Yet for more than five centuri es that civilization not only led the world in science, but was the only portion of mankind actively engaged in the systematic pursuit of knowledge.† – introduces Stanwood Cobb in his book Islamic Contributions to the Civilization. [Cobb, 1963] The latter may be supported by Osman Bakar’s statement: â€Å"In the case of Islam, its golden age in science, technology and intellectual culture spanned about five centuries, from the ninth until the fourteenth centuries. This is also the period of Islam’s dominance in world science and technology. During this period, Muslims made many important scientific discoveries and technological innovations, contributions to scientific culture, and advancements in intellectual culture in general.† [Bakar, 2011] Indeed, the historical records prove that Islam has realized a considerable influence on the Europe of the Renaissance age. Moreover, Islam achievements were a strong impetus of the development of modern scien ce of the 17th century. [Bakar, 2011] â€Å"Beginning with the rise to power of Baghdad in the mid-eighth century and continuing beyond Islamic political decline five hundred years later, science and education flourished under Muslim influence. No such activity characterized any other part of the contemporary world. The lights of Graeco-Roman culture had been extinguished and Europe was engulfed in the Dark Ages; India was languishing in a period of stagnation; and China, while blossoming richly in the arts, was almost wholly devoid of science.† [Cobb, 1963] Thus, on occupying the leading place on the stage of civilized world, the Arabs have become the pioneers in the development of investigation methodology. The British philosopher Bertrand Russell has claimed that they were the first to introduce and practically apply the empirical method in holding a variety of researches.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first pa per with 15% OFF Learn More Cobb conforms, that â€Å"The scientific method, as it has been developed primarily at the hands of the West, was indeed invented by Muslims and first practiced by them on a large scale.† [Cobb, 1963] This scientific method covered the diversity of mathematical and quantitative methods, empirical method, and a range of inquiry modes, which set the paving stone to the research methodology and accomplished the reasonable progress in investigating the environment humanity lives in and the humanity itself. However, one has to admit general ignorance (or the lack of enthusiasm to discover) of the fact that Islam is the predecessor of the Western science and has shaped the face of it throughout the centuries. For example, one would never guess that these were Muslims put under a doubt the appropriateness of Ptolemaic planetary system at the medieval times. Thus, Islam has developed the set of astronomical observatories and, hereby, has made a le ap forward in the planetary science investigations. â€Å"The achievement of Islamic planetary astronomy in medieval times was a lunar model developed by Ibn al-Shatir from Damascus, based on al-Tusi’s theory.† [Bakar, 2011] Hence, the revolution of the thought introduced by Copernicus was already modeled by the representatives of Eastern world. Furthermore, the contribution of Islam to the civilization lies in giving the science the status of an institution and making the science education the essential subject. â€Å"In initiating this particular phase of scientific progress, Islam has made another lasting contribution to world civilization. Research-based astronomical observatories and teaching hospitals were Islam’s best-known creations of scientific institutions†. [Bakar, 2011] The medical practice of the Muslims has accomplished a great leap forward and quickly shared its advancements with the West. Generally, the West either borrowed the organizati onal points in the system of hospitals, developed by the Arabs. One should either give credit for the institution of university, which was first established in the East and â€Å"the oldest university in the world, the al-Azhar University in Cairo† belongs exactly to the acquirement of Islam. [Hourani, 1991] The experience of structure and organization of the universities was also borrowed by the Western world. The achievements in the educational sphere were totally passed over, starting from the phenomenon of professorship even to the organization of curricula and degrees. Thus, Islam has realized considerable influence on the institution of education on the whole and has shaped the concept of learning in particular.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The History And Culture Of Islam The Arabs And Their Contributions To Global Civilization And The Advancement Of Human Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In conclusion, one may confirm, that it is not possible to overestimate the contribution of Islam to the world science. Muslim inventions and ideas have given the impetus to the progress of humanity raising it to the peak of civilization. The investigations into different spheres of study have proved the enormous potential of the Eastern world and the value it has to the modern academia. Reference List Bakar, O. Islamic Contribution to Human Civilization. Posted on January 22, 2011. Retrieved from Cobb, S. (1963) Islamic Contribution to Civilization. Retrieved from Hourani, A. (1991) Islam in European Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Tuff, T. (2003) The Rise of early Modern Science, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. This essay on The History And Culture Of Islam The Arabs And Their Contributions To Global Civilization And The Advancement Of Human Society was written and submitted by user Jaylen Ochoa to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.