Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Synthesis and analysis on Total quailty control book by Armand V Essay

Synthesis and analysis on Total quailty suss out book by Armand V. Feigenbaum - Essay ExampleAccording Basu (2006), attribute is never optional for the organization moreover necessary that ensures the continuity of a business. They believe that through total whole t ane management the business is equal to(p) to increase the quality of their service delivery and that of products.However, Armand (2008) believes that there need for total approach to quality and in specific points out to total quality control as the way forward to satisfy the node needs. According to ISO 8402 total quality management can be defined as an approach of a comp any(prenominal), that is intended to focus on quality delivery. Farther the ISO definition states that quality should be the duty of every last(predicate) the members of staff and not the managers alone and this is in line to Armands believe to quality delivery. Thus total quality management involves the employees, and other members of staff in coming up with ways of satisfying the quality of a product, process quality and organizational quality. Armand thus believes that with total quality control everybody in the organizations works terrible to achieve the goals of the organization and works towards customer satisfaction.Previously, research had proposed on the need of quality for the success of any business organization (Beckford, 2005). However, Armand (2008) came up with the idea of total quality control in the success of a business. He believed that through total quality management in organizations was the way forward in realizing the quality of a product during the manufacturing process and, hence satisfying the need of consumers as they are the main reasons of organism in business. This idea meant that all processes and the units used in the manufacturing of a product need to be cerebrate on the final delivery of a high quality product.The organization should therefore be the one responsible for the high quality product. The organization according to him consists of the management, the employees and all other

Monday, April 29, 2019

A Vanished World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

A Vanished World - Essay ExampleVisigoths had swept everyplace the old Roman Hispania in the fifth century and similarly Islamic Arabs led by Tarriq stormed over Iberian Peninsula in effect(p) as Carthaginians conquered centuries earlier. The Christian kingdom of Visigoths fall was dramatic, swift and complete that it appeared no reversal could be brought about for several centuries later. Conquest of Spain by Moslems started in July 710 when Tariq ibn Ziyad, the governor of Tangier was deputed by the Governor of the self-coloured Maghrib (presently Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) to invade the Christianized Visigoth kingdom ruled by the Visigoth king Rodrigo (Roderic) whose forces were defeated at the Battle of Barbate (Wadi Lago) on 19 July 1971. Visigoth lost to Tariq forces because of their loosely administered kingdom. King Rodrigo who had clashed with Basques rushed to Cordoba where he kept his army in the wait to oppose Tariqs forces. Tariq chose to wait at Algeciras inste ad and by then strength of his army change magnitude to 12,000 men. While the war was on, Witzas sons Sisbert and Oppa who had been commanding Visigoths army abandoned the king owing to any(prenominal) secret arrangement with the enemy and allowed themselves to be routed. King Rodrigo disappeared and only his white horse and a comfortable saddle were found by the victors. Tariqs original intention was only to reconnoiter but he could easily take over the kingdom. Surviving Christians attributed the fall of Visigothic kingdom due to the vices of Witiza or Rodrigo. Still others mat that the fall of Spain to Muslim rulers was a divine punishment for the sins committed by Visigoths. The last thirty geezerhood of Visigothic Empire had been characterized by warring factions. As there was no hereditary monarchy, the kingdom had been subjected to constant confederacy and civil war. At the time of Tariqs invasions, Visigoth king had not cared to settle the consequences of rivalries wit hin the kingdom at the time of Tariqs invasion. Visigoths had not cared to secure control of ports and adjacent regions. It emerges therefore that minority Muslims could take over majority Visigoths (Christians) dominated Spain by their sheer brilliance and because of the inefficient administration and preoccupation in lay pleasures by the Christians (OCallaghan),(Lowney 29-42). Christian Martyrdoms Christian martyrdom began with the beheading of Euologius who was a martyr activist. He denounced Islam and harbored a Muslim apostate in 859. Islamic culture flourished in Cordoba and some Cordoban Christians violently reacted to the situation. Eulogius and his co-activists wanted to awaken the scruples of their fellow Christians who were attracted to Islam. Lowney draws a parallel to the present situation of Muslims embracing martyrdom against Christians. Isaac, a Christian disciple who was mediating between majority Christians and minority Muslims and in a prestigious Government jo b for tax collections suddenly resigned for unknown reasons and pursued Christianity more vigorously. In that connection, in 851 he deliberately blasphemed

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Software Systems Fundamental Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Software Systems Fundamental - demonstrate ExampleThis report allow discuss some software development problems which can cause boilersuit software development decomposeure. CAUSE OF SOFTWARE FAILURE According to May (2000), the majority software devices fail partially or totally due to software unable to meet all established requirements, be and term overrun or less(prenominal) effective tolerate management. These requirements could include schedule, cost, objectives or quality tie in (May, 2000). This section outlines the causes and factors of software development trial Poor User Requirements The process of software development failure starts when a user states the system development requirements in a less effective behavior. In this way the system developed on the basis of such faulty system requirements become a disaster. In this scenario, the inability to state the user requirements can be due to lack of software working knowledge, inadequate understanding of software working or less effective business process information. However, mismarks in requirements enter can be done on both sides at client side or at developer side (May, 2000) and (Kaur & Sengupta, 2011). ... Moreover, the lack of effective project quality management plan can cause less effective project quality that go on to project failure (May, 2000) and (Kaur & Sengupta, 2011). Failure of Cost and Schedule union Another important reason of software development failure is the less effective cost and time estimation. In addition, effective cost and time estimations are very important for the successful software development. However, it depends on the project manager and squad up leader to estimate and figure out important project factors to remediate assess the project time and cost aspects. Moreover, if the time and cost of software development project overruns, it will surly lead to overall failure of project (May, 2000) and (Kaur & Sengupta, 2011). Team Size Estimation of team sizing is crucial in software development project. Fundamentally there are 3 main types of team small, medium and large. However, team selection is completely based on the project size of it if the project size is small then managers obviously take the small team and in case of big project they can select the large or medium team. Moreover, the selection of team size depends on project leaders or managers how successfully they can perceive the project and develop a well balance project team. Furthermore, a lot of software development projects fail due to less effective team size that can lead to some of extensive problems regarding effective project management. This can also lead to amplifying the project cost and damaging project performance (Kaur & Sengupta, 2011). Human Resource Skills Effective and well unionized team for a software development is really essential. Seeing that in software development an effective team for

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Critique of a Political Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 7

Critique of a Political Speech - Essay ExampleOn the 4th of November 2008, Senator Barack Obama spoke at the rally in Grant Park in his hometown, Chicago, Illinois, after winning the competition for the seat of the President of America. After his victory, the first gear black president of the United States gave a obstetrical delivery before an enthusiastic audience of 240,000. This speech was mark as one of the most awaited, watched, and reviewed political address in history. Obamas voice echoed in the world, his guide word of change and his strong political campaign were praised. He mentioned the fundamental issues faced by the United States and the end of the world. He also mentioned about his late grandmother who died just two nights before this date.The speech cite some of the influential leaders of the US history. Words and thoughts of John F.Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King were discussed. The voice of Martin Luther Kings I Have A Dream was revived. There were echoes in favor of democratic principle, Abraham Lincolns a government of the people, by the people and for the people were heard in President Obamas manner. The speech granted a deep sense of hope despite of adverse circumstances, an optimistic approach in hard times of tough goals. President Obama also directly quoted Abraham Lincolns first initiative address in these words As Lincoln said to a nation far more(prenominal) divided than ours, we are non enemies but friends. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.Indeed, history was made on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. The impact of the elections result and the speech was tremendous the sense of merriment was carved on the faces of millions listening to the speech. Long term impacts of the slogan YES WE CAN and Obamas speech were compose in journals and newspapers throughout the globe (Saldin).The performance of

Friday, April 26, 2019

Revisit my anwser to the question in week one What is Wisdom Essay

Revisit my anwser to the question in week one What is Wisdom - Essay manikinMy initial conception of this view mainly derived through the book, The Last Days of Socrates by Hugh Tredennick and Harold Tarrant, has been reinforced by further readings of authors like William Thomas, Aldous Huxley, Joseph Piper, Victor Frank. Before reading Socrates, I was focused on the materialistic concepts of wisdom, accept that wisdom, within context of modern life, refers to the success a person achieves materialistically. But after mulling over the philosophical musings of these renowned authors, I became aware that ones spiritism definitely plays a key fictitious character in evolving his individuality by which he strives for the pursuit of wisdom, and there by acquires happiness.Thus my distorted cognition of human wisdom and welfare transformed drastically through the treasure trove of knowledge I could acquire from the profound works of these great men. They promulgated the concept that li ving the life of a values, channelize by spiritually and motivated by true virtues, for the common good of humanity is one philosophical system that can salvage the mans soul rather than hours together spent in spectral rituals or millions of sermons chanted to appease gods. It now transpires to me that wisdom is the essential thread that holds together the astute concepts of spirituality, philosophy, ultimate happiness and there by supreme attainment of the soul. This, I understand, is the true heart or break up of life. The impact of this has enabled me to think positively and see life in a new perspective and meaning as the realization dawns on me that overall what the present world pretermits is the essential insight into the need of spirituality due to which its focus constantly shifts to the wrong direction of materialism. And, unfortunately humans fail to realize where this ignorance, that entails from the lack of wisdom, is going to take them.The works of authors like Socrates, Thoreau, Huxley, Piper and Frankl read and

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Contributions of Mansa Musa to the Greatness of Mali Empire Essay - 3

The Contributions of Mansa Musa to the enormousness of Mali Empire - Essay ExampleMansa Musa engaged in numerous conquest of the neighboring kingdoms after his return from pilgrimage which saw him expand the kingdom from all corners. During his journey, he got involved in affluent spending as well as well distribution of goods to the needy. The people in his entourage as well took part in the distribution in the Egyptian metropolis of Cairo leading to the collapse of the citys financial market which was among the largest in the world. As a result, he gained large following in particular from the key Moslem scholars and those who were responsible for the building of the city of Cairo. They followed him back to his empire after which he utilise them in the building of the major cities in the region. They first built the city of Timbuktu into one of the leading pioneers of Islamic academic and financial centers. As a result, Timbuktu became the leading trading center in Africa tha t can be compared to the present Wall Street. Trade in the city mainly involved gold, slaves, kola sappy, cashew nuts among other items. This led into the city is at the same level with other cities in Europe such as Paris, Madrid, and Venice in terms of intellectual capacity, economic growth, population and political stability (Alexander, 201-321). Mansa Musa embarked on major construction initiatives that included the building and establishment of mosques and madrasas. Example include the Sankore Madrasah commonly know as the University of Snake which was built during his reign and have remained up to the present age. Musa brought about the new-fashioned educational system in the kingdom by re-staffing the University of Sankore with a team of learned astronomers, scientists, mathematicians and jurists who made a great influence in the University thus making it the center for learning and cultural experience.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Organizational Behavior at Fasco Motors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Organizational Behavior at Fasco Motors - Essay ExampleFasco management should set out been working continuously to create a culture of collectivism and subjection, under a team up methodology, to check off that the commercial enterprise was aligned with Thailand customer needs and values. To the customers in Thailand, the concept of trust, ethics, and relationship was vital to establishing business relationships. The wrong bearings, such as providing low-cost products to favorite customers and then adjusting invoice to hide this deception, was creating a culture of doubt and greed. When it was discovered, by other managers in the leadership team, that these situations were occurring, failure to disclose this knowledge to senior-level officials showed the lack of integrity colligate to to establishing a loyalty- found, family-oriented organizational culture. Positive organizational behavior demands that individuals in management or senior-level leadership roles determine behaviors related to ethics, unity, and trustworthy business practices. There is a theory in kindly sciences referred to as social learning theory in which individuals observe role models and then learn what behaviors are appropriate based on whether they are rewarded or punished (Neubert, Carlson, Kacmar, Roberts & Chonko, 158). When the role model is someone attractive and credible, or open high status in a firm, people will generally model these behaviors when they are not punished effectively (Neubert, et al). This is what was occurring at the organization as mid-level management viewed their leaders being rewarded for their false accounting practices. In fact, Allen Moot, the general manager, was receiving kickbacks for these efforts and thus it provided legitimacy to model these same behaviors by the other managers who were ultimately pink-slipped for their role in modeling these unethical business practices. In order to create a gummy organization built on ethics and loya lty, there must be an establishment of affiliation surrounded by all group members. Creating a sense of team belonging is critical in organizational behavior in order to gain motivation and commitment. Once the need for affiliation is satisfied, the individual desires more recognition and this can produce feelings of prestige, power, and control (Gambrel & Cianci, 144). While the managers were receiving kickbacks for their improper business decisions, others were observing lack of punishment for unethical behaviors and thus an unacceptable type of affiliation was being created one in which individuals were gaining financial rewards for dishonest business dealings. However, this indecent type of affiliation in the management ranks was providing perceptions of power, confidence, and control and thus people were willing to free business needs to satisfy their own financial objectives. To learn a quality team, people have to come to identify with the group and psychologically join i n order for there to be loyalty (Bush & Coetzer, 185). High ranking managers like Allen Moot were creating a new type of social identity related to groups by accommodating individual needs and forsaking business objectives in the process. Regardless of the unethical behaviors, team membership was being developed effectively, but for all the wrong reasons as it related to personal fulfilment and financial reward.